Mon 27 Jan
VIP Playmate ♥-:¦:- GoRgeOuS Discreet ExoTic -:¦:- Only for Exquisite Tastes - - - 23
(All Over You!)
IN CALL Discount!, No Cell Phone Interuptions!!! PSE. Relax,.No Rushing here! No Upsale - 36
GReaT SPeCiaLs ToDaY ONLy 50$Qv CoMe NoW 50$Qv INCaLL ONLy INCaLL ONLy - 25
(Oklahoma City, Today only 50QV Spencer, Midwest city)
.*¨¨* -:¦:- * HApPy* -:¦:- *¨¨*.nEW -:¦:- YEaRs *¨¨* . OKLAHOMA CITY -:¦:- *¨¨*. - 20
(Oklahoma City)
GenuWarm Personality, NioUr FɑNtAรYร👑💖👑 (Iɳ & Out) - 18
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city okc (in & out))
EAST Coast's TOP Boutique Escort Service ! WOMAN owned and Operated !!! - 30
(Oklahoma City, NYC,DC)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
IN CALL Discount!, No Cell Phone Interuptions!!! PSE. Relax,.No Rushing here! No Upsale - 36
Fri 10 Jan
GReaT SPeCiaLs ToDaY ONLy 50$Qv CoMe NoW 50$Qv INCaLL ONLy INCaLL ONLy - 25
(Oklahoma City, Today only 50QV Spencer, Midwest city)
Thu 09 Jan
☆———☆ ReaL PiCs! ☆———☆ ReaL GiRL! ☆———☆ ReaL FuN!☆———☆ N*A*U*G*H*T*Y BLONDE HoTTiE ☆———☆ - 26 - 31
(Oklahoma City, SW Oklahoma City)
Wed 08 Jan
Lips💋 of Magic ⤵FaLL 🎊iN 💞LoVe w/ℳγ T!GHT 🍉Jμ¡©¥ 🍭gRiP & ℳγ⭐MiNd 💨BL¤₩¡NG 👅LiPs💜4055882046 - 24
(Oklahoma City)
Tue 07 Jan
EVERYBODY Love 2Relax COME ENJOY YOUR NEW TREAT 💦👅 don't miss out 💦👅 - 25
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City ok)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
SNOW BUNNY☆ 🙈ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ ❶ 🆕SupER ThicK💨✔ XtRA T!gHt💦 & SuPeR JuicY😍💯✔INCALLS & OUTCALLS 🏪 - - 23 - 21
(Norman, Norman, OKC)
»-♥-» OffiCiaL KanDy•° JuiCy TreaTmeNt!!•° CuRvy HoTT BabE•° °• SuPeR >7o< SPECiALS! °•;•° - 34
(Oklahoma City, okc incall/outcall)
Extra CuRvY EboNy BomBsHeLL* ••★Just The Way U Like It Papi!! •IN/0UTcall SpeciaL!! ◄•• *♫* - 35
(Oklahoma City, 63rd broadway incall/ outcalls avail)
AVAILABLE NOW!! *PLZ READ*💋💕Fine Chiina💕💋 IncallLoveDay $120Special #UpScaLe PLaYmaTe!! - 24
(Oklahoma City, OKC and Surrounding Areas IN/OUT)
ESCORTS needed in LA, earn up to $1500/day. Paid ROUND-TRIP airfare to Los Angeles! - 28
(Oklahoma City, Los Angeles)
Sat 04 Jan
HOTT-- BLONDE!.. In call specials, donations 150 Hr... I want your fantasy... - 22
(Oklahoma City, OKC, AND SURROUNDING AREA'S, will tre)
▆ ▅ ▃ :: (( ♥♥AVAiLABLE ♥♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥NOW ♥♥)) ▃ ▅ ▆ - 19
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city/surrounding areas)
(¯`' ☆' ´¯) °C°° O° °M° °E° °P° °L° °A° °Y° (¯`' ☆·' ´¯) - 21
(Outcalls/ Incall available upon request)
$80 Special 💋💥💋 HoT NEW BLonde Playmate 💥💋💥 $80 INCALL 💋💥💋 IMPECCABLE TALENT 💥💋💥 - 23
(Oklahoma City, okc and surrounding)
Fri 03 Jan
ThIcK Blonde ✋ 【☆I AiM †o Pl∈ASE 】☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥⚡ DaNgeRouS ⚡ ⚡ SKiLLs ⚡💋Hottie]💥 - 24
(Nw expressway, Oklahoma City)
• • • ►█ DONT ★ CHE@T★ YO UR ★SELF ★ TRE@T ★ YOUR ★SELF★ ADDiCTiNG ★ SuPeR NiGhT SpEcIaLs★ ►• • • - 24
(Oklahoma City, okc in n out fetish frndly)
IN CALL Discount!, No Cell Phone Interuptions!!! PSE. Relax,.No Rushing here! No Upsale - 36
AvAiLaBlE -:¦:- ★ °°☆ LaTiNa HoTtIe ☆°° ★ -:¦:- NoW!!!!! - 18
(oklahoma city,ok and surrounding areas)
AVAILABLE NOW!! *PLZ READ*💕Fine Chiina 💕LoveDay $120Special UpScaLe PLaYmaTe!! - 24
(Oklahoma City, OKC and Surrounding Areas IN/OUT)
💎$40$50$Mixed Brunette💎New In Town'!!.~$40$50$ *Specials * - 21
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city metro/I-40/ Meridian/Yukon)
Thu 02 Jan
💦💥Up All NiGHt (80$hhr/140hr)💥Up All Night (80$hhr/140hr)💦💋🍭 CaLL NoW ( open all night!! ) - 27
(Oklahoma City, SE 29TH AND I -35 service rd)