Mon 27 Jan
__( REAL! )—•—(DELiCiOUS )—•—( HEART-STOPPiNG )—•—( Brunette)—•—( B0MBSHELL )—• - 25
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City/All Areas/Incall/Outcall)
💸💄💋💰Tantalizing💋 temptation 💋awaits you just a📱call away ✨don't miss out💋💋✨ - 23
(Oklahoma City, Okc NW expressway)
SeXy 45 yr old ExPeRiAnCeD $100 donation SpEciAls incall se 82 and i35 405-482-4635 - 45
(Oklahoma City, i 35 and Se ,82 --street area)
*ღWeLL ReVIEWeD ♥ *ღ* 100% ReaL PiCs♥ ExoTiC♥ BrUnEttE* ღ* - 24
(Oklahoma City, NW OkC InCaLL & OuTCaLL!)
()()()** Wow* - $100 special--$100 special**()()() Hottest Blonde in the city. Better than the best! - 25
(Okc/ Will travel)
♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥ ▃▅▆▆▅▃♥ THE ♥ ULTAMITE ♥ EXPERIENCE ♥ ▃▅▆▆▅▃ ♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ weekday Special. - - 23
(Oklahoma City, okc surroundin areas)
{{{WaRninG SuPer ThiCkNess }}} 🍦🍦🍭🍫Available Now 75$ INCaLL OnLY Ne 23rd WeLL ReVieWed - 25
(Ne 23rd street Today Only, Oklahoma City)
✨ Treat Yourself today 🥂 New Years Special 💥💋 - 23
(Okc Norman and surrounding areas, Oklahoma City)
***** ThErEs OnLy OnE ***** BaBy * * GuRl ***** ($$InCaLls OnLy$$) - 25
(Oklahoma City, I40 n Meridian(incalls only))
Th∈ Be§t!!★♡▐ ⇨✪ αvαiℓabℓε ➜N0W❤ 💜💕💜 ● ▬▬Yes it's REALLY really ME!!!.. ▬▬💜 - 21
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city SURROUNDING AREA'S)
🌹UPSCALE COMPANION🌹100% Real🌹Sweet🌹Thick, Curvy Body🌹CALL NOW*** - 22
(Norman, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Edmond)
. ↔🍒🍒↔ThE DampesT↔ DeLiGhT🌷🌷click me♈call me♈ENJOY ME!!↔🍒 Outcall Specials after 5pm 🔥💨🔥 - 28
(Oklahoma City, Where you need me to be/Love Norman area)
🍦🍦Start Your Week Off Right With Me London Lets Hang 🍬🍬 - 26
(All over okc northwest expressway, Oklahoma City)
💎PerFecT 10! 💎 BuStY 💎 BloNdE 💎 PeTiTe 💎 UpScAle 💎 HoTtiE 💎 Passing thru - 27
(Oklahoma City, Okc metro)
*:~:* °★ *:~:* ° ฿ r u n t t °★ *:~:* S p e c i a l °*:~:* - 22
(Oklahoma City, N w okcity)
[[NeWbiE]] [AMAZiNG bODY] * [PeTiTe HoTTiE] * [ReADY To FULFiLL YoUR FaNTaSiES??] [[NeWbiE]] - 18
💏👅🍦🍭New Mixed Hot GODDESS Sexy Baby Girl 🍭🍦💎Sexy Sweet Specials - 20
(Oklahoma City, On You..out only)
💋New💋💯Blonde Bombshell💯 Sophia💛Upscale Only💛 Ready To Please💯💋 - 20
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city and surrounding)
~NaTuRaL iRiSh CuTiE wItH a NaTuRaL iRiSh BoOtIe~ - 25
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City & surrounding areas.)
NEW G _____ O ______ R ________G ______E ______O ____U______ S ~__~ PRETTY face see Special - 21
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
Natural beauty with great pleasures!!! :) 100% real and no strings attached... - 23
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
Native goddess okc area will travel in or out call...some specials..$80 $pecial 9189022307 - 39
(Oklahoma City, OKLAHOMA CITY!!!!!!! OFF I44)
💋 ✈️LAST DAY in TOWN! ! ❤——»Click Here = GORGEOUS VIXEN 😘 HERE I AM . . .☎️ CALL NOW - 25
(OKC, lawton and surrounding areas, Oklahoma City)
🌠Let ROXY Baby Express Your Imagination✨ #ROXY 👈 The Name. No SHAME in my VAINS. #REAL - 21
(Anywhere anytime, Oklahoma City)
♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ Let me warm up your night 4053289932 incall and out special♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ 25 - 26
(edmond ok, Oklahoma City)
♥♥♥♥♥♥ — K—N—O—C—K — O—U—T —°*°— C—U —T —I—E— (~*♥*~) UP ALL NIGHT!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ - 20
(ASK ABT SPCL, Oklahoma City)
Lunch Special 🍪Mixed 💣Shell120 hhOutCALLS💣Highly skilled & addicted 💊 NeverSeenBefore⏳ Rated#1 - 23
(Bethany yukon close to Penn 23-63rd, Oklahoma City)
~~~ Just Say No to Chickenheads ~~ (Well Reviewed, Verified Provider) ~~ Incall $pecial$ ~~~ - 31
(Oklahoma City, South I-35 and I-240 area)
👑 i waNNa give u SuM💕 TLC?! 💏Lets make FaNtAsIeS 🍒become REALITIES🍦🍨 CALL ME!!!!🌛🌞💎 - 22
(Oklahoma City, ne okc)
☆♡I WiLl Be YoUr DirTy LiTtLe SeCrEt!! If You Ask Me!!♡☆ - 30
(Oklahoma City, OKC and surrounding areas)
GeNTLeMeNs # ❶ CHOICE!!! _____ !HoT EbOnY pLaYmATe! FLAT RATE - 22
-----$exy ----***----- HOT ------ Young ---***--- Caramel ---**** Looking for some company? - 21
(Oklahoma City)
$Cassie$ HoT bUsTyY bLoNdIEe$come try my amazing incall specials SpEcIaLs$ specials !! - 24
(Oklahoma City, SOUTHWEST OKC)
🎀°•○●C0M€ L€T M€ R€lax ¥our Mind↑↑》》Avαiℓabℓε ➜ NOW!! №➊ ♥♥ 💯% uℓtiℳαtε Exotic BoℳBSheℓℓ●○•°🎀 - 22
(Okc, Oklahoma City)
Can I have YOU for breakfast in bed!?? I could totally go for some of you right NOW.. AvAiLabLe NoW! - 27
(OKC, Oklahoma City)
💥💥 AVaiLaBLe NoW 💥💥 InCaLL 80qv- hhr ✨OutCaLL AVaiLaBLe 100$ n Up✨ - 27
(Oklahoma City, SE 29TH AND I -35 service rd)
All Day Specials- Young Dumb And Full Of Yummm!!!! Wanna Try Me ??? - 21
(Oklahoma City, Anywhere u want me to be...)