Mon 27 Jan
U CaN NeVeR DupLacAtE PeRfEcTiOn LiKe ThIs 405-822-1827 - 32
(Oklahoma City, ( IN & Out Calls) Opts..Only Please!!!)
Young .....PlaTinum ...... BlonDe * Perky B@@bs "Natural" - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City Outcalls)
*~·!·~* The Georgia Peach Has Came To Your Town *~·!·~* - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
$$TrEAT yOurSeLF 2 PuRE SATisFACTioN$$ ***CliCK Here*** INcalls & OUTcalls SPEciaLS*** - 22
{S£xY Sw££t B£AUTIFUL R£aL 100% Pu£rTo RiCaN} Sp£cIaLs!! DoNt MiSs Out?!?! - 25
(Oklahoma City, Okc, ok Surrounding Areas in/outcalls)
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* S_e_X_y ♥·. .·´¯* E_x_O_t_I_c ♥·. .·´¯* P_L_a_Y_m_a_T_e ♥ ·.¸.·´¯ - 23
(incall & outcall)
🏆👑 Princess Diamond👑🏆 INCALL/OUTCALL ✔️ 👍🏽 Highly Reviewed👀👍🏽✨ F l a w l e s s Beauty✨ - 21
(Oklahoma City)
PULL MY HAIR & ! Sexy B@d B!tch..FETISH FRIENDLY!! 24/7 specials now!!! - 18
(Oklahoma City, Okc & surrounding areas)
Sexxy Flirty Fun Girl with 100% real pics ! dont do boards cliques!! - 23
(Oklahoma City, okc incalls)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P _______ a__N__d _______ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 28
(OKC METRO in or out)
NeW BooTY H☀ £iK Fir WH§ Y☀Ur D§IR ☎ WEaRiNG NoThiNg BuT HeeLs!! NEW!!! - 24
(Oklahoma City, elkcity,clinton,sayre/all over st.okla)
🔫🔫 Oklahoma's Most Wanted🔫🔫 Proceed w/ Coution🔫🔫 Known 2B Highly Addictive🔫🔫 - 27
(Okc,Edmond, Deer Creek, Surrey Hills, Oklahoma City)
*~`NEW iN Town``READY To PLease&PLay; **100 Outcall SPECIALS aLL Morning ~` CALL NOW! - 19
(Oklahoma City, My Place or Yours...)
(¯`'.¸o° °o¸.'´¯) EROTIC ENCOUNTER SPECIAL 8*5#%30;° EROTic ENCOUNTER SPECIAL (¯`'.¸o° °o¸.'´¯) - 19
(Oklahoma City)
Monday Morning FuN!~`SeXi InSiRiNG ModeL´~Okc's FaVoRiTe PLayMaTe! PiCs 💯% REAL & RECENT!!´~ - 25
(I-40 & Meridian, Oklahoma City)
👌👌💎Nothings better than chocolate🍫🍫💞 come enjoy me 75 qv special - 22
(Oklahoma City, south side okc)
Mature, full figured, busty and new to OK. Spec(80)ial!! Read entire ad!! - 59
(Oklahoma City, Incalls only - Ok City/ I40 & Macarthur)
🔥🔥 Kissable 💋💋 34 DDD 💫 Sw€€t in all the Right Places✨ - 24
(Oklahoma City, all over u rockwell /i40) Tamara Lynn. age 29▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ ❤ MADE »-★» ❤FOR❤ »-★-» ❤YOUR❤ »ENJOYMENT ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ - - - 29
(Oklahoma City, okc. norman)
GReaT SPeCiaLs ToDaY ONLy 50$Qv CoMe NoW 50$Qv INCaLL ONLy INCaLL ONLy - 25
(Oklahoma City, Today only 50QV Spencer, Midwest city)
**Female Escorts WANTED**Serious Inquiries ONLY** REAL Service**ALL FEMALE STAFF ALWAYS !** - 46
(Oklahoma City, Local)
~~~ Hott SeXXy Redhead ---- Late Night/Early Morning InCall SPeCiAl --- 50 Ro$e$ ~~~ - 30
(Oklahoma City, South OKC)
🌹😍🌹😍🌹GoRgEoUs AnGeL 🌹😍🌹😍🌹IN&OUT; Avail. 🌹😍🌹😍🌹 100% ME or it's FREE! 🌹😍🌹😍🌹 Call Me!! 🌹😍🌹😍🌹 😍🌹😍🌹😍🌹😍🌹😍🌹 - 25
(Oklahoma City, Nw Okc In and Out calls)
EaRLYBiRD Spec☆SEXY ♡ThiCK ☆TAstY ♥PAINT MY FACE♥ TighT $incall/outcall SPECIALS - 24
(Oklahoma City, okc surround/INCALL MWC)
*'"* ♥*__* HaWaIIaN _ & _ AsIaN * __ *"'* SPECIALS !!!!! - 23
(OKC OUTCLLS/ I-44 West Incall Location)
★)) *ExTrEmElY* )) ——*HOTT* ——(( *KiLLeR BoDy!* )) ——(( ''REAL PICS* )) ——☆YOUR NEW ♥ FAVORITE ☆ ((★ - 22
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city, ok incall/outcall)
`C`a`N` `Y`o`U` `P`u`T` `A` `C`H`E`R`R`Y` `O`N` `M`Y` `S`u`N`d`A`y` *SpEcIaLs* - 20
BACK IN TOWN ❤️➜ (X.x.X) ➜RAT€D➜💦 SEXXY GIRL💦►【 4056962917 】❤RΞΛÐ¥100% - 29
(Oklahoma City, surrounding areas)
💋❤🍒💋 AmaZinGly Sexy ❤💋🍒💋 SiMply SatisFying 😊💦⭐💦➡ Dripping With Fun ⬅💦🌟💦😊 💯%Real - 23
(OKC INCALL, Oklahoma City)
100% TAKE A PEEK at this JUICY Round A.S.S. !! CALL Now !!!! GReat Specials !!! - 22
(Oklahoma City, OKC & Surounding Area 720*437*8004)
【×💋×】🌟♛ÜPֆCAℓ£⇧♛🌟 ⇨➋➍/➆ ((★ 5 ST☆R S€RViCE ★)) ღ❤•H℮R℮ ➋ βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd •❤ღ 【×💋×】 - - 23
(oklahoma, Oklahoma City)
Y__O__U __R __~__S __E__ X__Y__~ __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ ~__ S__E__C __R__E__T __~ - 27
(Oklahoma City, Nw okc)
Young,wild,classy al in one look no further for the girl to rock ur wold**❤💋💎💯👌 - 23
(Oklahoma City, Your place or mines)
UpdatedPics💋💕Fine Chiina💕💋 $100 Incall Specials #SuPeRrR SeXxXi BLaSiaN PLaYmaTe!! - 24
(Oklahoma City, OKC and Surrounding Areas NW INCALL ONLY)
👄💅🏾🌑🍓👠💦WANNA PLAY 💦🍆🍇🤑🌹🙊😎👅 BEAUTIFUL BOOBS👙 - - - - 26
★•★•:.•:£xotic N Suductiv€ N Th£ girl 0f y0ur wild£St Dr£ams Aiming To mak£ you pl£ased★•:.*★. - 22
(Oklahoma City)
💎💍Tha JUICY Monica Banxx💋💋MY LAST DAY😘I LUV wat I Do Dnt Miss Me - 24
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City (Will Rogers Airport))
OkC #1 BeSt KePt SeCrEt !!! ** In-CaLL SpecialS ** ??? 405-435-6308 - 28
(Oklahoma City, ( IN & Out Calls) Opts..Only Please!!!)
* NiCE R0UNd bOOtY * ((PeRFECT TiTS )) * PReTTY fACe * (( sLim WAist )) = Me - 21
(Oklahoma City & Surrounding Areas)
NEW PICS📷✨👑UPSCALE Provider NEW to Town👑✨ {{FUNSIZED}} Ebony & Egyptian✨👑100%REAL 🌸Flirty 🌸SWEET 🌸 SEXY 🌸 - 21
(OKC Incalls ONLY, Oklahoma City)
ღ NEW & ExCiTiNG ღ | | ღ OPEN-MiNDED & 1,000% R E A L ღ | | Lets PLAY :) ღ - - 19
(Oklahoma City, oUTCALL)