Mon 27 Jan
••• ♥ Roll the Dice! Today is Your Lucky Day ♥ ••••••• Click to see WHY? Specials !! - 20
(Oklahoma City, OKC, (Surrounding Areas))
IN CALL Discount!, No Cell Phone Interuptions!!! PSE. Relax,.No Rushing here! No Upsale - 36
Tamara Lynn ♡ safe & independent extremely discreet. simply the best♡♡♥♥ - 33
(Oklahoma City, 10 and may)
STOP LOOKING!!! I'm only a short distance and a phone call away. **REAL PHOTOS** - 22
(Oklahoma City, Okc and surrounding areas)
✦ S M O K I N ✦▃▃▃▃ H O T ✦▃▃▃▃▃✦ K I N K Y ✦▃▃▃▃▃✦ JAPANESE ✦▃▃▃▃▃✦ R E A D Y ✦▃▃▃▃▃▃586-553-2303 - 22
OKc LoCaTioN 60$ SPEcIAL (ReTURN CLiENT OnLY) CALL NoW 75$$NeWCLieNThhr ☝ 🍭🍫 WeLL ReVieWed - 25
(Oklahoma City, SE 44th n I-35)
[[NeWbiE]] [AMAZiNG bODY] * [PeTiTe HoTTiE] * [ReADY To FULFiLL YoUR FaNTaSiES??] [[NeWbiE]] - 18
** NoT LiKe THe ReST ** SiMPLY THe BeST ** ~**~ Independent * Your Preferred Choice ~**~ - 24
(In & Out Calls)
Monday specials 70\hh Your Way 120\h 405.537.2775 or 929.841.0495 - 21
(Oklahoma City, i40 and MacArthur)
🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 GRAND OPEN 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 OK SPA 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 405 . 677 . 7500 - 24
(1317 SE 44th St Oklahoma City, OK, 73129, Oklahoma City)
Brand New Blonde W/100% Real Pictures!!! SAMANTHA Brand New Blonde W/100% Real Pictures!!! - 21
(Oklahoma City, Incall Or Outcall!!)
75$$$qv-hhr Yes Im Available NOW 75qv-hhr$( INCaLLOnLY) CHECK OuT My REVIEW (NO AA) - 25
(ne 50th n douglas blvd midwest city, Oklahoma City)
* * *A Sexi, Busty,Horny Latina Vixxen Waitin For You!!!* * * 150HR SPECIAL JUST 4 U BABI - - 24
•*★*• NEw PiCs ¤¤ Kinky° Curvy° Fetish° Fantasy° JeWeL° ¤ $100° SPECIALS° •*★*• - 39
(Oklahoma City, Norman)
Sun 12 Jan
I gOt WhAt YoU nEeD tO PuT yOuR MiNd aT EaSe outcalls - 100
(Oklahoma City, okc and surrounding areas)
(Oklahoma City, OKC&MOORE-;>OUT-CALL'S->ONLY!!)
Sat 11 Jan
♥SeXy♥ ClaSsy ♥ Upscale Playmate •★• LoOkiNg 2 hAve A bLast ♥ - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc outcalls only)
aN ExOtiC Night aWAits yOUR pRESeNCe!.. >>>>> CLICK HERE
(Oklahoma City, My Home or Yours! Will Travel!)
Warning 405-367-4635 Hey Guys giving you a head up these is not her real pics. - 25
(OKC, Oklahoma City)
❤⏩THicK Azz⏪ 💋 ⏩DeLicioUs🍒⏪ 💋 ⏩ReaDy🍬Now⏪ 💋 ⏩INCALL & OUTCALL⏪ 💋 ⏩JuiCy💦 ChiCk⏪❤ - 30
(Oklahoma City, 💗OKC INCALL (BRICKTOWN)💗)
Fri 10 Jan
Big Booty Sexi Kelli🔥👅 Outcall ONLY 💲pecials 📞Call NOW 📞🎀 AVAILABLE All DaY and NiGHT!! - 26
(And Surrounding Areas, Tulsa)
BUSTY all Natural Sweetness! Escape Into My World! - 19
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, In your arms ;))
Thu 09 Jan
!!!!!!!! °©° [ ★ ] *HotTe$t PacIFic I$LaNDr ßøMߧHëll* [ ★ ] °©° !!!!!!! - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc & surrounding areas)
* > * > * > * > * > U Need * A* BeaUTiful* WOMAN* To* Spend * Time With! * < * < * < * < * < * < * - 23
(Oklahoma City, OKC And Surrounding)
💕💖💗💕💖💗 Available All Week! 💗💖💕💗💖💕 In&Local; Outs 💕💖💗💕💖💗 100% REAL Call Me! 💗💖💕💗 - 24
(Nw Oklahoma City (In&LocalOuts;), Oklahoma City)
Wed 08 Jan
HaPpY NeW YeArS SpeCiAl$: MERCEDE$ 405-881-6181 Up ALL NitE FeLLa$ **BoNiFiEd PRO!!! - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC I-40 & Meridian /Outcalls available)
WED. SPECIAL 💋💋💋❤️👙👠 TOP OF THE LINE 💋 LATINA bombshell waiting on your call 💋💋💋💋 I - 19
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
hello gentlemen! im tina! im an older lady with girlfriend ways! in tulsa. - 48
(Oklahoma City, Sheridan and 21st area, TULSA, OK)
Tue 07 Jan
LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ EXOTIC ★★i DO IT -:¦:- BETTER Shannon 4054028306 - 38
(Oklahoma City, west Okc or wherever u r)
Why Settling for less fakes and junkies you can have a real beauty promise you won't be disappointed - 22
(Oklahoma City)
Mon 06 Jan
☆ = j_U_s_T= __ ☆__ = W_h_A_t= __ ☆ __ =Y_o_U= __ w_A_n_T= ☆ =__❀ - 25
(Oklahoma City, SE OkC InCaLL & OuTCaLL!)
WOMAN owned and operated escort company seeking NEW companions !!! - 30
(Oklahoma City, NYC,DC,VA,CT)