Mon 27 Jan
💦💦 W..E..T & Wild Fun!!!! Get It While It's Hot And J..U..I..C..Y!! 💦💦 - 23
(Norman, okc area, Oklahoma City)
P E T I T E ▪ PLAYMATE! ◾◽▪▫ TrEaT yOuRsElf!! ▫▪◽◾ Y0UNG H0TTiE - 22
(Oklahoma City, OUTCALL SPECIAL)
Oh what a pretty mouth i have!!!!!! Tons of outfit choices!!!!! - 27
(Okc & surrounding areas I40, Oklahoma City)
___LET _____ ME __ ___ TREAT ___ ___ YOU __ ___ LIKE ____ A ____ KING _______ _______ (INCALLS ONLY) - 24
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city INCALLS ONLY) Tamara Lynn. age 29▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ ❤ MADE »-★» ❤FOR❤ »-★-» ❤YOUR❤ »ENJOYMENT ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ - - - 29
(Oklahoma City, okc. norman)
ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛ#EXOTiC ☜☞ aLL ☜☞ NaturaL ☜☞ Bu$ty ☜☞ fLawLeSs ☜☞ AbsouLteLy ☜☞ YuMMy ☜☞ BLONDE $ ☜ - 21
(Oklahoma City, Okc incall, Guthrie, Yukon, El Reno)
(¯`'.¸+ CLICK (¯`'.¸+ ON + ¸.'´¯) ME ¸.'´¯) AVA!LABLE NOW !! - 19
(enid,clinton,sayre/all over the state)
DOUBLE the FUN° 。 ◕ ‿ ◕ 。 ° DOUbLe FuN pleasure.. - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City and Surrounding Area's)
$75 INCALL ~ SPECIAL ___ P R I V A T E I N C A L L ___ REAL PICS - 24
(NORTH--- private residence)
° o ° o * VISITING NOW * suPeR hOt -- petite -- cUtiE rEadY tO rOcK yOuR wOrLd!!!! ° o ° o -
(Oklahoma City)
Your №➊ ☆Playmate☜❤B€TTËR THAN H€R⇧ÄND HÊR⇩ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ EXØTiC ƒяєαк◆ - 405*532*1759 - 24
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
((Turn a crappy day into a happy day!!! )) (405) 200-4793 LONDON In call available NOW! - 25
(Oklahoma City, I- 44 &; lincoln Blvd)
****The Ever so Beautiful Blue Eyes**** always available 24/7 in call specials - 19
(oklahoma city/ne wer u r)
🍑✨🍑✨🍑 UpScale BADDIE! 🍑✨🍑✨🍑 In&Out; All Night! 🍑✨🍑✨🍑 100% ME or its FREE! 🍑✨🍑✨🍑✨🍑 Call Me! 🍑✨🍑✨🍑✨🍑✨🍑✨ - 25
(Oklahoma City, Nw Okc In and Out calls)
★NEW PIX (SEXY) ★ (DELIGHTFUL) ★ (1oO% Freaky) ★ ( AvA¡LaBL€ NOW) ★ - 24
(Oklahoma City, okc nw express way)
♥ALERT!!! *ღ* SDuCTIV ♥ BrUnEttE *ღ* GuArAnTeeD nO-RUsH sErViCe! ♥ - 25
(Oklahoma City, InCaLLs & OuTCaLLs EvErYwHeRe)
Sun 12 Jan
UPSCALE KITTEN 💞 SEXY 💎🎀 ▬ Busty💗 ßεαuty💎💞▬ 💎💞available💞 Now💓 h=HOT💕💎 - 30
(Oklahoma City, Outcall Only)
#❶ Top cHoice ! ☆ ;¨ CAUTION HiGhLy ** AdDiCTiVe ☆ n@t!ve ViXeN ☆NeW - 19
(okc surrounding area)
♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ BLONDE ♥ HOTTIE ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ HOT ♥ READY ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥AVAILABLE NOW ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ - 21
(Oklahoma City, OKC & Surrounding Areas)
Sat 11 Jan
✨💥HotT blonde🔥 Ready and willing to pleaze you✨Call Now Book appt👿✨ - 34
(Oklahoma City, where u like me)
Magnificent Babydoll (405 )305-9639 *Absolutely No African American Men* - 40
(Oklahoma City, OKC / INCALL / OUTCALL)
❤️😍❤️😍❤️ Let's Play Baby!! ❤️😍❤️😍❤️ I'm Availble All Night! ❤️😍❤️😍❤️ - 23
(Nw MacArthur, Oklahoma City)
*~` Kyria has huge (.)(.) *~` Specials All Day and Night *~`Pick me you wont REGRET it. - 23
(okc- surrounding)
♥💕♥Gauranteed a good time♥💕❤ *♡*100% Real ~Independent~ Legit (816)984-9692 *♡**♡* - 27
(Oklahoma City, Where You Want Me)
°©° [ ★ ] *HotTe$t A$iaN I$LaND ßøMߧHëll* [ ★ ] °©° ------ - 21
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city and surrounding areas)
((VISITING)) N*e*w*! . . . Exper!ence The F!re, The Pass!on, TH!S Enchant!ng Redh!E!a!d! - 24
(Oklahoma City, OKC - Come Experience TRUE Red Heat!!!)
InCaLL SpeCiaLs ** BeauTiFuL SeXy & CLaSsy ** 100% ReaL °~° - 25
(Oklahoma City, (incall & outcall) okc & surrounding are)
Fri 10 Jan
* * * * * * SeXy * * * LaTiNa * * * WiLd * * * ReAdY * * * WiLLiNg * * * - 23
LeT ME ShOw U How It'S DoNe...N@uGhTY by N@TuRe!!~ Fl@wLe$$ & PeTiTe: BlUe~ EyEd, Brunette BOMB$HELL - 28
(Oklahoma City, Incalls in NW OKC/Outcalls available)
Incall $pecials! ♛♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT☆ CaraMel TREAT$☆ ] ♛♛[☆] DeLiCiOus [☆] Mixed EboNy B0mb$hell [☆]♛♛ - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc incalls, El Reno, Yukon, surr. areas)
when's the last time you've had something young tight juicy ready and willing to satisfy you - 20
(Oklahoma City, Midwest city -Del city)
Thu 09 Jan
👣👣👣 SnEaK AwAy & CoMe PLaY👄👅👄G💋F 2Hr 200Rs💐🌷🌹💐 ReaL PicS 🎯💯 HoT&W;€T 💦💦💦 - 20
(Lawton, Norman, OKC & Surrounding All Areas, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
♥::: SEXY PETiTE!! -->>*»-(¯ BLONDE BOMBSHELL ♥¯) * »- :::♥ READY NOW!! - 24
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City and surrounding areas)
FoRgEt BoUt LaSt WeEk ItS ThE F!#:$&:G WeEkEnD!! ...... WiLl TrAvEl ! 405 -589-1594 $$ PhOeInX $$ - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC METRO IN & OUT CALLS ! 405-589-1594)
💜💙💜💙GUARENTEED GREAT TIME!!! 👍d👍👍beauty, class and a touch of sass💜💙💜💙 - 24
(Oklahoma City, North okc)
💋$$ U wanna come & Go??? Let me know!!!! $$ 💋 - 33
(Oklahoma City, 💋 Oklahoma City & Surrounding Areas 💋)
Highly reviewed & skilled!! Amazingly Beautiful Blue-eyed, Brunette, Petite BOMBSHELL eager & ready - 25
(Oklahoma City, wherever u need me;))