Mon 06 Jan
100% PRE-SCREENED clients ........... Ladies Need to worry about safety! Escorts read on...
(Oklahoma City)
__( REAL! )—•—(DELiCiOUS )—•—( HEART-STOPPiNG )—•—( Brunette)—•—( B0MBSHELL )—• - 25
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City/All Areas/Incall/Outcall)
★ SUPER ❤ HOT ❤ REAL PHOTOS ★ Outcall Specials - 26
(Oklahoma City, Nw Expressway, In & Out call Specials)
11/17 ~~ 11/20 ?/? ~~ WaVes building, crashing over and over ~ Xperience TANTRA ~ PROSTATE Massage
(Oklahoma City, IN ONLY)
150$ after Halloween Specials all day and night 🍥🍬Tasty Treats🍬🍥🍡Sinful and SWEET😘 - 25
(Oklahoma City)
💙💕💙$€X¥-£€X¶~The ®eaL HOT BLonDe BomBsHeLL💙💕💙 100%REAL 100%INDEPENDENT 100% DISCRETE.. - 24
(OkC Incall/Outcall, Oklahoma City)
#❶TOP CHoiCE ★ BIG(DDD'S) ★PuRE FrEAK ★CrAzY CuRvEs & AmAziNG SkiLLz! - 22
(Oklahoma City, OKC&MOORE-;>AREA->OUT-C@LL'S->ONLY!!)
:- XTRML¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ S D U C i V ~*-:¦:-*~ DANGROURSL¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ ADDiCTiVE -:¦:- - - 22
(Oklahoma City, okc,surr.....)
EvErY MaNs DrEaM....& EvErY B#$%& NiGhT mArE....** WiLl TrAvEl OuTtEr OkC** 405 -589-1594 - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC METRO IN & OUT CALLS ! 405-589-1594)
☆★Cute Face ×•×•× B@NgiN Body ×•×•× tRaVeL וו ווו COWBOY Fever - 23
(Oklahoma City, in+out travel plus im ready No clinton2)
$EXY 1 hot momma! real reviewed and real verified ask me. are they? beware of fakes ads and pics. - 42
(Oklahoma City, 4052275974 quial springs area)
We need hot men and women in the Oklahoma area!!! Gigs pay up to $1900 (Military +++) - 18
(Oklahoma City)
Sun 05 Jan
¡¡!!WöW!!¡¡ Look at this Šeductive Ñaughtÿ Latina~ WELL REVIEWED & VERIFIED! 702-480-6770 - 25
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
😏😏😉😍🍒🍫Ur Finest Chocolate Delight, Come Get Some, Start New Yrs. Right!!!🍒🍒🍒💦👅🌹🌹 - 25
(Okc & Surronding!!, Oklahoma City)
X~x~X Naughtÿ Latina Lover X~x~X §pecial§! Highly reviewed & recommend!! LOOK! Leaving tomoro @ 12! - 24
These specials are so outrageous and bound to upset some folks... Christmas is a financial crunch so - 31
(Oklahoma City, Outcalls!)
♥ █ 💋SUP£R♥ TiiGHT 💋▒█ and ▒█ ♥ BLONDE♥ █▒ ╠╣OT █ SPecIaLS💋💋BLONDE - 25
(Oklahoma City, In and out calls)
(¯`'•.¸ ♥▆ █ ♡S E X. X. X. Y ♥█▒ ╠╣OT █ AvAILABLE* N O W ▒ ExOTiC █▒ █▒ REAL ♡█ ▆—♥ ¸.•'´¯) - 22
(Oklahoma City, Okc)
°★ ___ C A U T I O N ~ S L I P P E R Y ~ W H E N ~ W E T ___ ° ★ - 28
(Okc, Meridian & I-40)
💖DouBLE DDS💚 BustY💜 BLondE💛BLuE eyEz💖 ReaL PIX oR FrEE 👍Big bOOtY BLONDE Avail nOw!!(NO AA) - 25
(35@44th St, Oklahoma City)
💋💋do you like your women BBW? than u need to come Paradise😘💦💦👅👅 - 24
(Oklahoma City, south okc,will travel to you. 🚗💨💨)
╔════☆ ° ☆[ BRuNetTe bARbiE Âb§OLut€Ly ]══ ☆° ══[ ÂmÂzInG]══ °☆ ══[ PLÂ ¥MÂT€]══ ☆° ☆ [ 1OOO% REAL] - 22
(Oklahoma City, outcalls)
***WEEKEND SPECIALS $80Hr $50half Hr***SeXy ClAsSy BBW~CoMe LeT mE sHoW yOu tHe TiMe Of YoUr LiFe ~ - 23
(Oklahoma City, NW OKC)
I* *M B A C K F* U* L* L* Hr. Body Rub $80 Incall Special - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City NW Expressway)
New Englands Blonde Elite Educated Companion Visiting Next Week! The Real Deal, Newbie Friendly! 34H - 32
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, OK)