Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Sexy Stacey $pecials All Day and Night 40$ - 25
(Northwest express way (incall only), Oklahoma City)
💘💙 💖 S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot!💘 ☆° 💙ŦØP💚 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💜💜#1 💝CReoLe/ DoMiNiCaN MiX 🍬🎀 100% Me - 25
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City Outcalls All Nite)
__S_______E__ ______X________ Y ** All American Busty Blonde* _______G___ ____I________R_ _______L_ - 22
(Oklahoma City, OKC ★ incall or outcall)
[★]M a i n°►A t t r a c t i o n [★] SweeT & SeXy DiRtY BeAuTy W/ BooTY - - 22
(Oklahoma City, All of oklahoma)
Mixed & Exotic! Come to the wild side and enjoy and experience a real women! Active & Available now! - 20
(Oklahoma City, Okc)
⭐💦Why settle for less❓when you can have the best❗💋 - 21
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, OK I40 Meridian)
Why settle when u can have the BEST!!!!*****5 Star*****Petite brunette PLAYMATE!! - 23
💥💥 EArLy BiRD AVaiLaBLe NoW 💥💥 InCaLL 80qv- hhr ✨OutCaLL AVaiLaBLe 100$ n Up✨ - 27
(Oklahoma City, SE 44th AND I -35 service rd)
Mon 06 Jan
NEW Thick Ebony Vixen🎀 YOUNG, Tight, & Just Right🎀 OPEN MINDED🎀 Call Me Now🎀 - 24
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City/Interstate 35)
$100 OuTcALL$~. {{{Natural thckkkness@#2 gIrL sPeCiAlS... InCalLs!!OUTCALLS.. PLAY TIME? - 21
(Oklahoma City, my place or urs)
M-T-W SPECIALS .... **very sexy LADY** ~~~~ im what your desiring. - 42
(Oklahoma City, nw okc near edmond)
Welcome! Whats MORE FUN Than A Car Show??? See My New Pics... ;) Mona 405- 763- 7117 - 28
(Oklahoma City, Okc)
ThEy CaLL mE LuV....WouLd yOu LiKe tO FiNd oUt WhY? outcalls - 30
(Oklahoma City, wherever you would like me to be)
Something Exotic, Fun and Sweet !!! Sunday Specials!!! Call and We Can Meet !!! - 25
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
pArTy GiRl ★ [NeW In ToWn] Big Booty ★ Aℓℓ ηatural Curves INCALL OR OUTCALL!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! - 23
(Oklahoma City, NW OKC)
💕EXOTIC 👀BLONDE💕 superTHICK FReaKY💦superPHaT BooTY💦superPHaT KaT Avail 💥NoW 🕔💕LooK👀💕 WOW - 24
(NW/Okc/Outcalls Too, Oklahoma City)
**Early bird Special 60qv before 11am incall only - 25
(Oklahoma City, Early bird 60$ incall only mwc)
6O ♢◆ — H Â V € ——— ¥ Õ U ——— § T Â N Ð ¡ N G ——— L ¡ K € ——— Â ——— C H Â M P — ◆♢ 6O - 22
(Oklahoma City, Meridian♢$6O stop n go special♢)
$120 hh Outcall Puerto rican💄Best Spls💄in💲okc💲💲💋💋💋💋💋💋 214_791_6649 - 21
(Oklahoma City, i-40 and meridian)
ExOtIc,BLonde, SeDuCtIvE aNd AdDiCtIvE *_-*_-))) ((* yOuR fAnTaSy aWaiTs !!!!! - 24
Sun 05 Jan
*:•✨💖 PAMPER 💖 ¨*:•. YOURSELF ¨*:•✨BEAUTIFUL💫¨*:• 💖 SEXY ¨*:•✨ EXOTIC 💖 ¨*:•✨ - 27
(Incalls & Outcalls, Oklahoma City)
New. Thick* * Cali girl** 100%Bombshell# - 23
(Oklahoma City, NW Expressway IN-CALL/OUT surrounding)
@@@ 36 DD @@@36DD @@@ Busty Blonde Barbie Visiting a few short days @@@36DD @@@ 36DD - 27
(Oklahoma City, 27)
LeTs Go ThUnDeR ask about playoff specials !!!!! Ask for Amber (405) 859-7218 - 30
(Oklahoma City, Northwest okc, Edmond)
*;*: :* :A_b_O_v_E __ & __ B_e_Y_o_N_d __ T_h_E __ R_e_S_t_ :*: - 20
(Oklahoma City, meridian In & Out Calls)
💋💄💞Outcall💦 Outcall💦Sexy THiCk BBW 🍒🍆 OPEN All NiGHt 🌄 CaLL Now Outcall 100$-400$ - 27
(Oklahoma City, Out call only 100$-400$(PreferTextMsgs))
**FORGET the FAKES... I am The ULTIMATE FaNtAsY GIRL!!!! IN OKC TODAY ONLY ** Always REAL Pics!!!** - 29
(NW ExXxpressway)
Corey Edwards, Fabulous 50’s Chasing the Thrill Visiting AGAIN Dec 3 thru 16!!! - 55
(OKC, Oklahoma City)
Call 405-213-1882 Busty ^^^^^ Taiwanese Girl ^^^^^ Beautiful Penny - 22
(Oklahoma City, Outcall Only)
50% off SWEET kinky 50% off PROOF VIDEO SPECIALS 50% off Travel everywhere !!! 50% - 24
(Oklahoma City, ☎️ 708-762-9612 EVERYWHERE)
💋❤️😍❤️💋👉 This Girl has a New Incall Location👈💋❤️😍❤️💋 Safe 👈 Discreet👈 Always Clean👈 Call me Baby! 💋❤️😍❤️💋 - 24
(Nw Okc discreet incall, Oklahoma City)
Sat 04 Jan
Specials★Im Th€ ( €XoTiC ~ CuT!€ ) U WiSh £iV€d N€Xt DooR ★iTs PlA¥TiM€:). [ SuPEr * KiNKy ! ]★ - 18
(Oklahoma City, OKC out calls 2 gurl special)
❤★::*¨¨*:☆NEW GIRL IN TOWN ❤ SPECIALS all Night.. ★::*¨¨*:☆❤ FREAK★FETISH Freindly★ ❤ - - 22
(Oklahoma City)