Thu 02 Jan
[St€@m!ng] BrE@Th T@k!NG (!) [M!x€D ]~[H0tt¡€] Specials Day and N!ght $65 - 21
(Oklahoma City, my own lil world)
💎💎💎💎StOp WastInG $$ on FAKES!! 💎💎💎100% REAL UpScale PlayMate! 💎💎💎IN&OUT;💎💎💎 Call Now!!💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 - 23
(Oklahoma City, Nw expressway and surrounding areas)
SNOW BUNNY☆ 🙈ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ ❶ 🆕SupER ThicK💨✔ XtRA T!gHt💦 & SuPeR JuicY😍💯✔INCALLS & OUTCALLS 🏪 - - 23 - 21
(Norman, Norman, OKC)
SiMpLy ThA BeSt🎇🎇🎇 Extremely Dangerous Party Girl👆👆👆👆 - 24
(Oklahoma City, SE OKC/ Surrounding Areas)
( SuPr Sx¥ ) ♥ DoLL ~ FaCd ~ CuT¡ ♥ ( 1oO% RAL ) ♥ BoOT¥ ♥ - 26
(Oklahoma City, OkC InCaLL & OuTCaLL)
~~~ Sexy, Statuesque Brunette w/ the Lips of an Angel ~~~ Incall $pecial ~~~ - 35
(Oklahoma City, South I-35)
SmOking HOt 🔥 6OQk // 8Ohh 🐣 EarLy BiRdY 🐣 Specials ☆☆☆☆☆Tяεα†mεη†! - 22
(Oklahoma City, Meridian $6OQk💦8Ohhr)
☁️☁️☁️ Ready NOW ☁️☁️☁️Exotic Dream ANGEL☁️☁️☁️ incall too - 24
(Oklahoma City, I40&rockwell; 🍬🍭🍬candy shop🍬🍭🍬)
SEXii SaVoRy Sarah 👅 CURVES , CuRVEs, & More Curves👌 💖SPECIALS tonight 💖💄💋 - 21
(Oklahoma City, NW Okc)
READ MY AD❣❣🎀 NEW NEW N@ughty DuO🎀 2 is ALwAYs BeTTeR🎀 THan 1 Come PLay WiTH🎀 a N@uGHty LittLe🎀 - 21
(OKC Incalls Only!!!, Oklahoma City)
♥ S W E E T ♥S E X I ♥ A S I A N ♥ C U T I E ♥ - 21
(Outcalls/ Incall available upon request)
(S W E E T ) °°•★•°° ( E X O T I C ) °°•★•°° NEW GIRL ALERT °°•★•°° ( NEW )°°•★•°°😍😍😘😘 - 23
(Oklahoma City, Out and ready waiting for you)
▓█ PERFECT ➓ - JUST ❶ WORD ▓█ G ▓█ O ▓█ R ▓█ G ▓█ E ▓█ O ▓█ U ▓█ S ▓█EXOTIC - 22
(Oklahoma City, okc outcalls only)
💎PerFecT 10! 💎 BuStY 💎 BloNdE 💎 PeTiTe 💎 UpScAle 💎 HoTtiE 💎 Passing thru - 27
(Oklahoma City, Okc metro)
***Rocking w/ the BEST of the BEST..we aim to please!*** - 21
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City & all surrounding areas)
✖- ╳ -✖- S w E e T & J u i C y 💕 B l O n D e 💕 P l A y M a T e Incalls - ✖ - ╳ - ✖ - 39
(Oklahoma City, 🏁🏁🏁🏁 INCALL AIRPORT 🏁🏁🏁🏁)
OKC's Most Talented Blonde Vixen!!!! •• Amazing $100 Specials •• Ready to Play!!! •• Yummy DD's - 21
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
OkLaHoMa CiTy I'm BaCc 💎💎💎AmAzInG SpEcIaLs AlL MoUrN 💎💎💎 Make iT LaSt. 4eVa 💎💎💎InCaLl OnLy - 22
(Oklahoma City, South Incall only)
(NEW Pics!!)Call Now For The time of your Life☆☆Specials!! Specials!!! Specials!!!!4052055048 - 23
(Oklahoma City)
NEW ---- SEXY ----- ReaL GIRL ----- SMOKING HOT ---- ReaL - 100Roses - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc i35 south)
🔲👠👠👠👠👠💄💄NOT THE GIRLNext door 👠👠👠👠👠💄👠👠👠👠👠👠 You will be soo glad you did! - 38 Posted: F - 38
(okc (out/call), Oklahoma City)
👗NEW IN TOWN 👠Flawless CURVES🍭🌃30mins OR HOUR only🕘🌊Im 💰Worth 💲Every �💳Minute💸 Baby📲📷 - 23
(Norman, Oklahoma City, 🌹🌺🌸🌷OutCalls Right Now)
Only Real Chocolate★★♥ ♡♡OUTCALL northwest side AREAS amber from Dallas (4056357157 - 25
(Oklahoma City)
OkC # 1 BeSt KePt SeCrEt !!! CaN YoU GuEsS WhO I'aM ??? 405-402-9628 - 28
(Oklahoma City, ( IN & Out Calls) Opts..Only Please!!!)
Monday Special ((ready NOW))- Pure Beauty DONT Pass this Up - 25
(Oklahoma City, Ready NOW Downtown. mwc edmond war acr)
•★•°°NEW in TOWN•★•°° •*¨¨*•ExoTiC COSTARICAN•*¨¨*• - 24
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city,/ surrounding areas)
n*a*u*g*h*t*y never looked this n*i*c*e - 19
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, In the city)
New in town! Blonde Bouncy & very Flexible.... OUTCALL 570-703-1317 - 28
(Oklahoma City, OUTCALL 570-703-1317)
Mixed & Exotic! Come to the wild side and enjoy and experience a real women! Active & Available now! - 20
(Oklahoma City, Okc)
•°• Lets MaKe Your FanTaSy a ReALiTy... ToNiTe Is Going To Be UnFoRgEtAbLe!!! •°• - 29
(Oklahoma City, NE OKC & ALL Surrounding Areas)
MZ.ICY .... the dream come true .... 75$ incall specials **UNRUSHED & NO UP-SELLS** real pixs - 22
(Oklahoma City, N.W. OKC INCALL ONLY)
★ ★ _ *N_O_T_H_I_N_G* _ _*L_E_S_S*_ _*T_H_A_N*_ _*T_H_E*_ _*B_E_S_T*_ ★ ★ - 22
Elite 💥💥💥Upscale Provider 🎉🎉MODEL 💕💕TYPE busty Mature but Super FUN - 23
(All over U downtown specials new castle, Oklahoma City)
-:¦:- Erotic and Pleasurable for all you who "Dare" to enter my realm !!, -:¦:- - 19
(oklahoma city,ok)
► E X O T I C- *ღ* U P S C A L E_ *ღ* P L A Y M A T E◄ - 23
(Oklahoma City, Okc & Surrounding Areas)
`C`a`N` `Y`o`U` `P`u`T` `A` `C`H`E`R`R`Y` `O`N` `M`Y` `S`u`N`d`A`y` *SpEcIaLs* - 20
εїз❤εїз☞ C∽L∽I∽C∽K H∽E∽R∽E ▔ ERotIC PLeaSURES SuLTry BlOnDe AMaZiNG skills early morning SPeCiaLS ☜ - 25
(Oklahoma City)