Thu 02 Jan
Like WhAt YoU SEE? CaLL MoNETT for YOUR SATISFACTION! *2hr Specials* - 21
(Oklahoma City, Where ever you need me to be!)
Mixed & Exotic! Come to the wild side and enjoy and experience a real women! Active & Available now! - 20
(Oklahoma City, Okc)
► FiVe *{{★}}* SeRviCe!!! ◄ Blonde ► *{{ 1 0 0 Special}}* ◄ - 23
(Northwest OKC INCALL Location & Outcalls)
~ ChRiStMaS TiMe SpEcIaLs ~ I'm NaUgHtY, NiCe, N FuLl Of SpIcE!! - 21
(Oklahoma City and surrounding areas)
CLassy & BeauTiFuL~ In & OuTCaLL sPeCiALs ~*~ SpEciALs ~NeW PiCs - 25
(Oklahoma City, (outcall) okc & surrounding areas)
CERTiFiED H0TTiE! __ (TREAT Y0URSELF) __ ULL ♥ WHAT i D0 ! - 23
(Oklahoma City, Okc & Surrounding Areas)
❤❤❤100 specials (Incall only) Sexy Ebony Treat ready to please and tease ❤❤❤ - 23
(Incall 24/7 :-), Oklahoma City)