Mon 27 Jan
(¯`'+ ** I __ AM ** + '´¯)(¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯)(¯`.¸+ INCREDIBLE+ '´¯) * *C@LL __ RIGHT __ NOW * * - 20
(✦IN BED✦)
(Oklahoma City, okc,enid,elkcity/all over the state)
★EvErY MaN's DrEAM ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY★~~ ~~ ~~~~>>> - 22
(Oklahoma City, SOUTH~OKC~&~MOORE~OUT~CALL'S~ONLY~~>>>)
EaRLYBiRD Spec☆SEXY ♡ThiCK ☆TAstY ♥PAINT MY FACE♥ TighT $incall/outcall SPECIALS - 24
(Oklahoma City, okc surround/INCALL MWC)
.*¨¨* -:¦:- * HApPy* -:¦:- *¨¨*.nEW -:¦:- YEaRs *¨¨* . OKLAHOMA CITY -:¦:- *¨¨*. - 20
(Oklahoma City)
█ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ██ __________G E N T L E M E N S _❶_ C H O I C E__________ ██ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ██ - 23
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City,Midwest City(405-732-3011))
GeNTLeMeNs # ❶ CHOICE!!! _____ !HoT EbOnY pLaYmATe! FLAT RATE - 22
((ExTreMLy SeXy ))) EXOtiC BeAuTy (((*KiLLeR BoDy! *))) *((*REAL !PICS*!!)) - 22
Hey Ebony L♥vers' #1 $100spl Pick FLAWLEsS ☆✔️ ☆Hot Tight & Juicy Freak V€ry Passionate Killer MOUTH! - 26
(Oklahoma City, All Over You!)
💋💎💋✯₮ H E⭐ 💋💎 uℓtiℳαtε ✯ G i R L⭐ 💓💖Θ F⭐ 💎Y Θ U R⭐ 💗⭐D R E A M S!!💋💎💋4055350331 - 34
(Okc, Oklahoma City)
🎉🎉Gorgeous, Down to earth, Discreet, Intelligent, Classy College Girl 💦💦😍😘💋 - 19
(Okc Ok, Oklahoma City)
️◼️◼️↘️▪️G o o D GiRLS▪️↙️◼️◼️↘️N A U G H TY HaBiTs↙️◼️◼️↘️BEiNG BaD iS ALWAyS FuN↙️⬛️⬛️↘️▪️ - 22
(nw okc, Oklahoma City)
For the 👏MAN 👏who Deserves TOP of the LINE 💙💙💙💙💙THE Real KAYLEE BABY♦️💯Real - 23
(Oklahoma City, tulsa broken arrow Miami travel)
**FREAKY NASTY TREAT ** Sweet SexY Angel** it gets no better THAN this FR3AK.... LETS PARTY BABY!! - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc)
ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛ#EXOTiC ☜☞ SMoKIn HOT ☜☞ NEW ☜☞ Bu$ty ☜☞ fLawLeSs ☜☞ BLONDE ☜☞ ☜☞ ☜2gurl$ - 21
(Oklahoma City, Okc incall, Guthrie, Yukon, El Reno)
💞💞Dreamy 💞💞Mixed Tall 🚿🚿sexy kissable💣💣 Baby DOLL FACE 💊💊UNFORGETTABLE 💊💊 - 24
(all over U Mwc EDMOND Guthrie yukon, Oklahoma City)
◄ E_X_O_ T_I_C * L a t i n a * D_R_E_A_M _G_i_R_L ► H 0 T T E S T * B 0 D Y ON BACKPAGE! - 25
(OKC, Oklahoma City)
+_+_+_+ CaRribeen & BlACK cUtIe +_+_+_+_LuV 2 TrAvEL 100% pIcS - 21
☎️Call now !!! Click here Sexy Latina 💝waiting on your call !!!!!💖💖💖💋💋💋 - 19
(Oklahoma City, Metro and surrounding areas ! Expressway)
DoNt MiSs Out oN tHis; SpEcIaL $ 100/ R£aL Pu£rTo RiCaN ~ PlAyMaT£ !!! - 24
Come Let Me give you what you want and need to put a smile on your heart and soul - 25
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
🍫🍫 🍫 chocolate cover Ariana please Be aware shower🚿 Before you come thanks - 21
(Oklahoma City, wherever you want me to be)
Can I Come to your hotel or house/120$hh rdy NOW!🌹🌹.🐱check out my big ass ! EBONY/WHITE DOLL. - - 20
(I-35/S.e. 82 or Outcalls anywhere u need, Oklahoma City)
★ ___ [DROP] ___ ★ ___ [DEAD] ___ ★ ___ [GORGEOUS] ___ ★ - 23
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City and surrounding areas)
D * E * L * I * C * I * O * U * S ... ~ ** caucASAIN ** ~ Hot * And * Waiting .. - 23
(Oklahoma City)
beautiful brunette babe waiting for you! - 21
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City surrounding areas in / out)
$Cassie$ HoT bUsTyY bLoNdIEe$come try my amazing incall && out call SpEcIaLs$ specials !! - 24
(Oklahoma City, SOUTHWEST OKC)
Black Nubian Queen ready to please king[s] only, always open minded to try new things ?????? - 25
(Oklahoma City)
*~*~*~*~* Beautiful Asian Girl Jamie *~*~*~*~* Outcall Only With 405-227-9438 - 22
(Oklahoma City, Outcall Only)
Can I have YOU for breakfast in bed!?? I could totally go for some of you right NOW.. AvAiLabLe NoW! - 27
(OKC, Oklahoma City)
🌠🌟⭐Cassie⭐🌟🌠 Ready to have fun! 💲Come try my amazing InCaLl $sPeCiAlS$ specials $sPeCiAlS$💲 - - 24
(Oklahoma City, Sw okc)
♡ Brand New FLEXIBLE BLONDE 💋Outcalls All night ♡ {Farrah 432-208-7678} - 25
(Okc and surrounding areas, Oklahoma City)
✨💙🐱💙✨ Available all day! ✨💙🐱💙✨ 100% REAL! ✨💙🐱💙✨Call Me! (No Texts) ✨💙🐱💙✨Don't Waste Time with FAKES✨ - 22
(N I-35, Oklahoma City)
🚗CaRaMeL CutIE💋PerFeCt aSS💛💜 REaL PIX oR FrEE 💚NastY dOWN 4 WhatEvEr 💖 NEWBIE 💖 ALL FetIsHES - 18
(35&44th, Oklahoma City)
¬¬Back In ToWn¬¬ ° ♥ ° Full Body Massage! ° ♥ ° Sexy, Sweet, Busty Brunette - - 26
(Oklahoma City, OutCall Only)