Thu 02 Jan
→ ★[ TH€ B€ST iS iN TOWN ]★ ← ★[ ViSiTiNG ]★ → ★[ LIMITED ]★ ← - 20
(Oklahoma City, Okc and surrounding)
SPECIAL!!!! LAST DAYS $80 specials DnT WaStE Ur $$$ incall/outcall - 22
(Oklahoma City, okc surrounding area)
💕 👑 Sweet 👄🎀☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥ 🎀Upscαℓε❄College 🎀💖 Beauty💟🏢 - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, OK)
[St€@m!ng] BrE@Th T@k!NG (!) [M!x€D ]~[H0tt¡€] Specials Day and N!ght $65 - 21
(Oklahoma City, my own lil world)
Special🌟 Specials🌟 Sexy KIMBELLA 💋 Something This Sweet 🍭🍬 Can Be EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE 🍷💉💊 - 22
(Okc,Edmond,Yukon,MWC,Norman, Oklahoma City)
Specials!!!!!!! HOT LIKE FIRE LVE 2ParTy Lets Get Kinky -$pecials!!!!! Incall Only - 23
(Oklahoma City, OKC S. I-35)
Specials 🌟 o💖o S€Xy €y€ C@NDy o💖o #1 Pick o💖o Come Play 🎭 With A R€al Fre@k o💖o - 22
(OKC, Oklahoma City)
💟💟💟SEXY STUNNING PLAYMATES 💙◥◣◥◣◥◣💙 We Want U💟◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣💟24 HOURS 💙◥◣◥◣◥◣💙214-905-1457 ☎️ - 21
(5012 SHARP ST 📙⬛️📙⬛️📙⬛️ TRUCK PARKING, Oklahoma City)
🆕🆕 🍏🍎🅰Pple BOoty "VIOLET"🍎🍏 👈👈👈👈👈here for 🅰limited 🕡time🕛only - 25
(Norman, Oklahoma City, 👉OKC/NORMAN/YUKON/EDMOND)
PlEaSuRaBlE 💋UnFoRgEtTaBlE 💄FrEaKy CoLoMbiAn ♋️ SPECIALS 💎💵💵$$ - 22
(Oklahoma City, Incall south Okc 4055050737)
🆕🆕 🍏🍎🅰Pple BOoty "VIOLET"🍎🍏 👈👈👈👈👈here for 🅰limited 🕡time🕛only - 25
(Norman, Oklahoma City, 👉OKC/NORMAN/YUKON/EDMOND)
~~~ SeXXy, SeXXy Redhead (Well Reviewed!!!) ~~~ $45 or $65 Incall $pecial$ ~~~ Available Now ~~~ - 31
(Oklahoma City, South I-35 and I-240 area)
~SeDuCtiVe ReDheAdeD ViXeN♡TerRiFfic TuEsDay ♡$100 ♡Incall Special~ - 26
~~~ SeXXy, SeXXy Redhead (Well Reviewed!!!) ~~~ $45 or $65 Incall $pecial$ ~~~ Available Now ~~~ - 31
(Oklahoma City, South I-35 and I-240 area)
★ ██ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ★ SEXY BLONDE BBW ★ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ██ SuNdAyY SpEcIaLs$ - 21
(Oklahoma City, southeast Oklahoma City)
💯 Real :::... P E T I T E 🌀 C O L L E G E 🌀 C U T I E ...::: 💯 Real - 21
(Oklahoma City, NW Exp Incalls Only)
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E*-T-) ♥ ( BeauTiFuL BaRBie ) ♥ (-A- *D*-D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I*-V*-E) - 21
(Oklahoma City, OklahomaCity and SurroundingAreas OUTCAL)
OUTCALLS MY ♥o°• JEWEL •°o♥o °• SHOP • °o♥♥o °• IS• °o♥o°• OpEn •°o★OutcallS😍1000%Real - 23
(Norman, Oklahoma City, §Outcalls§)
♡REAL [-CUTiE-] NeW iN TowN! P_ _R _F_ _C_T =little= BoDy! ( ( ( 8O Special ) ) ) - 23
(Oklahoma City, -I/C- OKC Airport Area + Outcall)
💋🆁🅴🆅🅸🅴🆆🅴🅳 💋 ɮʟօռɖɛ P♣L♦A❤Y♠M♦A✭T¤E🔊 Vɨɖɛօ Pʀօօʄ🎬 Soft Juicγ B🅾🅾TY💦💦 - 25
(OKC/Outcalls too, Oklahoma City)
** picture** perfect**wow ** wow ** take **a **look ** barbie stlye - 19
(oklahoma city/ where ever you want me **)
OKC's Most Talented Blonde Vixen!!!! •• Amazing $100 Specials •• Ready to Play!!! •• Yummy DD's - 21
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
♥PiN-UP ReDH*E*A*D IN ToWn ToDaY! ♥ In/OuTCaLL $PeCiAL$ All DaY!! ♥ DoNt MiSS OuT!! - 29
(Oklahoma City, I40 Meridian, Shawnee, Seminole)
?{☆}? ONE ?{☆}? TIME ?{☆}? SPECIALS ?{☆}? OUTCALLS ONLY ?{☆} - 21
(Oklahoma City, OKC & Surrounding!!!)
New in town! Blonde Bouncy & very Flexible....OUTCALL 570-703-1317 - 28
(Oklahoma City, OUTCALL 570-703-1317)
NEW To Town! $100 Specials💋Pretty Mixed Upscale Companion 💋 (305) 563-0862💋Gia💋 - 24
(Oklahoma City, Your Residential Area)
NEW NEW❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ Sexy Mixxed CuTiE InToXiCaTiNg BeAuTy❤ ▀▄▀ - 25
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city & SURROUNDING AREAS)
Only Real Chocolate★★♥ ♡♡OUTCALL northwest side AREAS amber from Dallas (4056357157 - 25
(Oklahoma City)
*MissHollywood*Puerto Rican Mami !!* Warm An Ready To Play *Available Now..Specials - 23
(Oklahoma City, south west Oklahoma)
💗💋N€₩ HotTie @available No₩°💸 come & BReak me In BaBy💗💋 - 28
(Oklahoma City, okc & surrounding areas)
n*a*u*g*h*t*y never looked this n*i*c*e - 19
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, In the city)
New in town! Blonde Bouncy & very Flexible.... OUTCALL 570-703-1317 - 28
(Oklahoma City, OUTCALL 570-703-1317)
New & Hot Specials! Bad Weather Outside, H.O.T-N-S.E.X.I Girl Here to warm You Up!!! - 23
(Oklahoma City, OKC & WILL TRAVEL (Up2 150Mil OUTCALL))
$ $ $ Late Night & EaRlY BiRd SpEciAL $ $ $ EXOTIC SeXY BlOnDe ¯`'•.¸ Shannon 4054028306 off I-35 - 38
(Oklahoma City, west okc n surrounding area)
~~ **FaCe Of An AnGeL ** // BoDy Of A GoDDeSS // ** So SiNfuLLy SeXxY ** ~~ - 24
(Oklahoma City, OKC, Outcall Only)
hi gentlemen, this is Star and jade and we are back in town. .so come get me. ..21 - 21
(Oklahoma city)
§EDUCT!VE__ *!*ViP*!*__ *!*EXOT!C*!*__ *!*BOMBSHELLS.. BEST §PEC!AL*!*__*!* AMAZ!NG §KiLL§ - 21
°*ஐ*° F L A W L E S S *ஐ*° P E T I T E *ஐ*° 1 0 0 % M E*ஐ*° - 21
(outcalls, Okc and surrounding)
{ Fr3@k s3SsIoN! } {{ The HoTTesT ThaNg UndeR The Sun!! }} ((New!)) - 25
(Oklahoma City, Okc surrounding areas)
™EXtrEmEly SeXy EbONy GoDdEsS!!! • ThIcK • 38 DD'S!!!• Incall $pecials!!™ - 30
(Oklahoma City, INCALL/OUTCALLS Okc, surrounding areas)
Early Morning Specials 4054028306 Shannon Beautiful Thick Blonde Specials Tonight Call Now - 38
(Oklahoma City)
CERTiFiED H0TTiE! __ (TREAT Y0URSELF) __ ULL ♥ WHAT i D0 ! - 23
(Oklahoma City, Okc & Surrounding Areas)
CoMe ReLaX w/Me 80qv-hhr125$hour☝ 🍭🍫 WeLL ReVieWed (Open All Night)NO AA - 25
(Ne 23rd and douglas blvd midwest city, Oklahoma City)
((Cutie With a BOOTY Ready For YOU!)) Call ME tonight!!! - 23
(Oklahoma City, okc & all surrounding areas)