Fri 03 Jan
Fantasy 5-Star Blonde * Erotic FULL BodyRub * Sensual Prostate * Kinky Strap & Toy Play - 39
(Oklahoma City, Downtown OKC * ONE DAY ONLY!)
Erotic and Sensual COLLEGE GIRL - **Special Tonight** - 19
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, 10 minutes away)
EvErY MaNs DrEaM....& EvErY B#$%& NiGhT mArE....** WiLl TrAvEl OuTtEr OkC** 405 -589-1594 - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC METRO IN & OUT CALLS ! 405-589-1594)
EXOTIC 💙💎💙💎💙💎 L👀k 💕Very Sexy 💕special 🌟🌟P oR N 🌟🌟 HAVE IT Your Way🎀🎀 - 24
(Oklahoma City, 👀💎💙👀💕👠😍🎀💚🔥🔥👑💋🌟)
❤❤❤ [[ GORGEOUS ]] —— ♥ —— [[ REVIEWED]] —— ♥ —— [[ UPSCALE ]] —— ♥ —— [[ PLAYMATE]] ❤❤❤ - 29
(Enid Ponca Norman Tulsa Out - S OKC In, Lawton, Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
★ :•: CuRvY & BeAuTiFuL :•: ★ :•: BiG BOOtY :•: ★ :•: ExOTiC :•: ★- Secials :•: ★ - 24
(Oklahoma City, in an outcalls)
ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛ#EXOTiC ☜☞ SMoKIn HOT ☜☞ NEW ☜☞ Bu$ty ☜☞ fLawLeSs ☜☞ BLONDE ☜☞ ☜☞ ☜2gurl$ - 21
(Oklahoma City, Okc incall, Guthrie, Yukon, El Reno)
💎💎💎Dream Come True💋💋💋G£N+L€M@N$ ¢Ho!¢€!!!❤❤❤👌TOP NOTCH PROVIDER💕💕H!GHL¥ REVIEWED - 24
(Oklahoma City)
♥• [ F L A W L E S S ] •♥• [♥ blonde let me make ur fantasy come true .its real for Ur - 21
(Oklahoma City, In Oklahoma City waiting on you!)
forget her ↑ & her ↓ don't miss out on the best! Xx Macy is back! Xx - 27
(Oklahoma City, okc and surrounding areas)
💕👀💕 EXOTIC superTHICK FReaKY💦superPHaT BooTY💦superPHaT KaT Avail 💥NoW 🕔💕LooK👀💕 WOW - 20
(NW/Okc/Outcalls Too, Oklahoma City)
(( •♠• DR€åM NØ MõR€ ~ 100 hh •♠• )) ★—————————————— ♠ ———— Mi§s HøN€¥ ———— ♠ ——————————————— ★ - 20
(Oklahoma City, incalls only - i40 West)
♥ ** eXaCtLy ** WhAt ** YoU ** W_aNt ♥ - 20
(Oklahoma City, okc surrounding areas)
Cum Have A Sexi Sunday Night 100$$ Special With Your Elegant Angel **Iceiss** Satisfaction Is A Must - 24
(I-40/Meridian In & Outcalls)
()()~()()~()()~Come & Get It Boys ()()~()()~()()~ Sexy~ Classy~ Upscale~ - 22
(Oklahoma City and Surrounding Locations)
* CALL ME ** I can make ur dreams come true *** specials hh 80 roses - 30
(Oklahoma City, meridian/I40)
💋💋Dark hair, green eyed beauty.💋💋 🆕Incall specials!!💕👍👍📝reviews available - 21
(Moore, Oklahoma City)
Canadian Doll Kim is Here for Serious gents only!! $100 specials Freaky Fetish Friendly !!! - 25
(Oklahoma City, off of 240/)
*¨¨*- ¦:-* ☆ early bird ☆ 80 ☆ Ready ☆ Now *-: Specials :*: - 24
(Oklahoma City, In/out/hr, Specials blonde, all over)
DaNg€rOuS ~24/7~ CuRv€s :{{ }} ) Bu$T¥ ~ €XoT!¢ {CuT¡€} - 20 - 20
(Oklahoma City, i40 service road okc)
busty all natural sweetness! pure bliss & kinky fun awaits!
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, In your arms ;))
(Oklahoma City, OuTCaLLS OnLY!!!!)
°★ ___ C A U T I O N ~ S L I P P E R Y ~ W H E N ~ W E T ___ ° ★ - 28
(Okc, Meridian & I-40)
⚠⚠⚠C A U T I O N⚠⚠💋💋🔥🔥HotT 🔥🔥BlOnDe BaRbIe💋💋🍭💎💎 SuPeR SwEeT 🍭💋💋🔥BlaZing BoDy🔥🔥 - 25
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma cIty ok)
█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ✖❤✖ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Blonde¯`'•. ¸☆¸. •'´¯ Beauty █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ✖❤✖▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ - 21
█▓█✿ •✿ BlondE❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ European █✿• •✿Thick█▓█✿ •✿ HOT✿• •✿ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ █✿ - 23
(Oklahoma City, Your place or Mine)
⭐Cassie⭐ ready to have fun. come try my amazing $sPeCiAlS specials specials$ - 24
(Oklahoma City, SOUTHWEST OKC)
💎Black Diamond 💎 Queen of the SOUTH 💦 IN Calls Only💦405-665-0393 💜 text only💜 - 30
(Oklahoma City, South side Oklahoma)
**★** C—— L—— A—— S —— S —— Y*—*BUT—* W——i —— L——D——( *O —— M —— G) **★** - 24
(Oklahoma City, ------OUT---CALL'S---ONLY-----OKC-OKC!)
♡ Brand New FLEXIBLE BLONDE 💋Outcalls All night ♡ {Farrah 432-208-7678} - 25
(Okc and surrounding areas, Oklahoma City)
❤Big Booty Latina💕Thick &$exy BomB$hell❤HHR $pecial💕New in Town ❤ - 21
(Oklahoma City, i-40/Meridian okc)
Calling All EARLY BIRDSspecials SATifaction $75$incallonly$ - 24
(Oklahoma City, s.e. okc incall only)
🚗CaRaMeL CutIE💋PerFeCt aSS💛💜 REaL PIX oR FrEE 💚NastY dOWN 4 WhatEvEr 💖 NEWBIE 💖 ALL FetIsHES - 18
(35&44th, Oklahoma City)
✥ B R E A T H T A K I N G ✥ I S R A E L I ✥B O M B S H E L L ❦❦ - 22
(Oklahoma City, your place or mine)
All Hot MeN CuM PlAy WiTh BaBy BluE EyEs aND HAV tHE fUn UR wIfE wIll NoT gIVe CALl ME!!!!!!!!!
Big B00B Lovers 🔥HOT PICS🔥 ‼️REVIEWED ✅VERIFIED✅ 🇩🇴Dominican Playmate🇩🇴 - 28
(NW Expressway OKC, Oklahoma City)