Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
stay w*t💧 exciting fun%iNDEPENDENT ____100%real_ ☑ 1OO % SATISFYING - 22
(I am truly one of a kind in andOut, Oklahoma City)
Se OKC 45 Cougar 405 779_9971@405633-4351 Specials 100 incall 38C Large nipples hot sexy erotic - 45
(Oklahoma City, se okc 1-240 and s i35 south area)
💎 SpeCiAls 💎 LeTs Do ThIs RiGhT💎 INkAlL SpeCiALs 💰👌 👧💑 - 23
(Oklahoma City, I-40 N Sooner Rd. MWC INCALL ONLY)
► ღ* I CaN dO MaGiC TriCkS WiTh mY HiPs, LiPs, & FiNgEr TiPs! *ღ ◄ - 25
(Oklahoma City, Incalls & Outcalls)
80qk 💋Incalls only YOUNG Pretty Bubble Booty Ready call Me Now🎊 im Available(323)972-0420 - 23
(Lawton tulsa, Oklahoma City)
****SEXY EBONY PRINCESS **** Why call the rest when u can call the best - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC and most surronding areas)
☆Position this how you like! ☆ Highly Reviewed.. 150 Specials ☎ - 21
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city area)
♡Miss Passionate Diva Here To Serve You♡ ←YOUNG☆CLASSY☆UPSCALE→ ◇$100hr incall Special◇ - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City & Metro Area)
Independent Experienced, Real Pics, No Drama!! Edmond Incall!!Turkey Day Special!! - 30
(Edmond,OKC, Oklahoma City)
LeT ME ShOw U How It'S DoNe...N@uGhTY by N@TuRe!!~ Fl@wLe$$ & PeTiTe: BlUe~ EyEd, Brunette BOMB$HELL - 28
(Oklahoma City, Incalls in NW OKC/Outcalls available)
Here is a list of every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Find out what they do & don't do
(In your city)
*GiRLS * _* LiKe *_ * Me*_ * oNLy * _* CoMe* _ * aRouND * _ * eVeRY*_ * oNCe* _ * iN* _* aWHiLe* - 19
(Oklahoma City, Moore/Okc)
**$$** ToP **~** QuAliTy **~** PuRe **~** PlEasUre **~** SaTisFactIoN **~** GauRenTeeD **$$** - 24
(Oklahoma City, Central Okc)
Tight, tone & JUicY sessioNs ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Service & 5 Star Reviews !!! 💋🔥⭐️💋🔥⭐️💝💝 - - 19
(Oklahoma City, Outcalls and incalls)
💋💋💗~~*! Come enjoy a " Divine" experience.... 100 Incall Donation special !*~~ 💗💋💋 - 20
(Oklahoma City, OKC Metro ((incall)))
Hiiiiii Boooooys April 7💢💢O P E N💦 Good Morning play 💦 AFTERNOON Treat - 24
(Oklahoma City, all over you)
) 💄FlAwLeSS JAwDrOp 💎DroPPiNg 💎JUiCy lKe A 💯WaTeRfAll - 23
(Oklahoma City, South Okc call 4further details)
I work in Walmart inside the money center... If u buy a green dot moneypak whatever u deposit I can - 21
(Oklahoma City)
Thu 09 Jan
LaSt DaY! BaCk FoR liMiTeD TiMe! DoNt MiSs OuT! * Kristen Rose * UpScale CliENteLe * FeW DaYz OnLy ! - 22
♛ ♛Princess TINA awaits your presence ♛ ♛ the royal treatment for $100 - 24
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city and surrounding areas)
Sexual, seductive brunette on the prowl.... Have a sexy Saturday morning!!!! - 25
(Oklahoma City, Central okc (incall & outcall))
Sexy. Mature. Spontaneous. Open-Minded. Let's Play! - 33
(Bethany, Nichols Hills, OKC N, Edmond,, Oklahoma City)
♥ —S———— U———— P———— E———— R—— **♥** ——— S——— E——— X——— Y—♥ - 23
(Oklahoma City, 100 hh new year special)
💥JUiCY 🍑 SKiLLED Lips👄💦 & Curvy Hips💟 Pretty ❄️🎉SupeRFreAK💦 - 22
(frontier city area, Oklahoma City)
💘💋lAyLAS h3r3! 💅💍 UPSCALE BLONDE!! Perfect curves 🌈 big booty🌠 perfect 👌 CoMe sEe mY sKILLS - 24
(Oklahoma City, meridian)
It's marsha I'm back 405- 201-8338 come play with me TICKLE MY FANCY... - 41
(Oklahoma City, i40 and meridian 4052018338)
marsha marsha marsha incall only 405313232 All real. pics hair nails boobs nothing fake here - 39
(Oklahoma City, nw 23rd & MacArthur)
MAKE YOUR HOTTTT LABOR DAY even HOTTER with KASEY!!! Specials on QV's, HH's & FH's!!!!! - 30
(NW OKC, Oklahoma City)
~~~ Just Say No to Chickenheads ~~ (Well Reviewed, Verified Provider) ~~ Incall $pecial$ ~~~ - 31
(Oklahoma City, South I-35 and I-240 area)
Im AvaiLable 🍭🍭CaLL Now 80$qv-hhr 125hr 💰💸💵CHECK OuT My REVIEW (NO AA) - 25
(Ne 50th n douglas blvd midwest city, Oklahoma City)
💋❤️😍❤️💋 LaTe NiGhTs & EaRLy M0rNiNgS 💋❤️😍❤️💋 Okc's Kinkiest PlayMate! 💋❤️😍❤️💋 100% ME or it's FREE! 💋❤️😍❤️💋 - 26
(N I-35 (No Texts), Oklahoma City)
🐳🐳 🐳 FIRST DAY-------🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳SEXY ASIAN 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 -- 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 - 23
(Oklahoma City, 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳Edmond incall🐳🐳🐳🐳)
__________ ______(¯`•★•´¯) I •★• _A___L_O_T _ •★• __B_E_T_T_E_R__ (¯`•★•´¯) __________ - 22
(Oklahoma City, Okc - I-40 Meridian)
EYE CANDY filipino HOTT CHICK 1 an only/ 100% real pictures/100 SPECIAL - 25
(Oklahoma City, [Pre-Booking for Monday])
Wanna PlAy W/ A BeaUtiFuL &CLaSsY; WomAn ~*~ CaLL NoW! In & OuT SpEciALs ~NeW PiCs - 25
(Oklahoma City, (outcall okc Shawnee stilly ada seminole)
The blue eyed seductress and beautiful audrianna... In/out calls available - 19
(Oklahoma City, Okc-will travel)
💋💋Dark hair, green eyed beauty.💋💋 🆕Incall specials!!💕👍👍📝reviews available - 21
(Moore, Oklahoma City)
💖Heavenly💖 cant help it that im tight🍌🍌 R u Still UP?🍻😛💏 come get my🍒🍒🍒 it stays💦💧 - 27
(4055650791, Oklahoma City)