Thu 02 Jan
VERY BUSY AGENCY - Hiring Companions and Escorts - Earn 8,000k to 10,000k/Week - 23
(Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
$1oo *•♛•* SeXy BLoNdE •*• BaCk By PoPuLaR DeMaNd!!!!! *•♛•* 2 GiRL SpECiALs •*• SeXy & SWeeT *•♛•* - 21
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city and surrounding areas)
$50 SpEcIaL♥ツ♥ThIcK aNd SwEeT♥ツ♥CoMe AnD bE sAtIsFiEd AnD nOt DiSaPpOiNtEd - 25
(Oklahoma City, I 40 meridian. In and out call available)
©°•★ ( ( 100%real ) ) °•★©•° ( ( Asian ) ) °•★©• ° ( ( New 2 Okc ) ) ★•©° - 21
(Oklahoma City, Okc And Surrounding Areas)
Come bring in the new year with a set of 38ddds 100hh anything goes - 34
(i40 and macarthur, Oklahoma City)