Mon 27 Jan
>> ;)$H0W $T0PPER....P@NtY DrOppEr....It StAyz $pEcIaL W/ Mecede$ ** 1 TiMe Iz All It T@kez!!! - 28
(Oklahoma City, N.W. OKC)
Angel Is Truly Amazing... Low DONATIONS (Call 4 Availability 4 OUT& INCall Specials) - 23
(Tulsa, OKC & All Surrounding Cities 24/7)
Attention** New coke bottle shape Cali girl in town Specials are avaible now - 23
(Oklahoma City, broadwy ext. incall & outcall)
50$ ✨🎉 No time limit ✨🎉Lady Stallion is ready to play(ask about two pop Special)254 -449-5021 - 29
(Northwest expressway, Oklahoma City)
100Click Here☜ •-:¦:-• So ADoRABLE •-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS •-:¦:-• VERY ADDICTING - 34
(Oklahoma City, In out all over)
(incall service+meridian i 40)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
(( 💖 💋 BRUNETTE 💖 💋 )) :: (( 💖 🐇BUNNY🐇 💖 )) :: (( 💖 💋 AVAiLABLE 24-7💖 💋 )) *REAL*💯 - 27
(All oVeR oKlaHomA, Oklahoma City)
WOW © ➓ ☀ © WONDERFUL ☀ BLONDE ➓ PLAYMATE 36D Fetish Friendly - 21
(Oklahoma City, OKC ★ Surrounding Area)
🍭Treat Yourself🍬Okc's Finest💎🔥HOT Blonde💋oυт call /ιn call now! - 28
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city And Vicinity)
💋Unwind and relax 💁🏼with an exotic beauty👀👏 ready to rock 💫your world 🌍just passing thru🚘✌🏽️ - 24
(In/out Tulsa & surrounding, Tulsa)
•★©•° ((=UPSCALE COMPANION=)) °o©•° ((=TRUe BEaUtY WiTH A BiG BoOty =)) °•★©•° •°o©•° - 23
✨😍🐱💋🌼 UpScale Goddess! New Location!✨❤️🌼😍🐱😍🌼❤️✨ 100% ME or it's FREE!! ✨❤️🌼😍🌼❤️✨ Call a Real BADDIE!! ✨❤️🌼😍🌼❤️✨ - 22
(Nw okc, Oklahoma City)
UPSCALE KITTEN 💞 SEXY 💎🎀 ▬ Busty💗 ßεαuty💎💞▬ 💎💞available💞 Now💓 h=HOT💕💎 - 30
(Oklahoma City, Outcall Only)
💖💎💕👠💞 👑💖Upscale Playmate 👑💞💖💕👑Available to Fulfill Your Fantasy 💖👑💞💎💕👠💖 - 24
(OKC, Shawnee, Edmond, Norman, Oklahoma City)
Sweetheart with an Edge that is Sexy and Delightfully Uninhibited!
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
#❶ Top cHoice ! ☆ ;¨ CAUTION HiGhLy ** AdDiCTiVe ☆ n@t!ve ViXeN ☆NeW - 19
(okc surrounding area)
!!!!Want A Tasty Treat Come See OKLAHOMA CITY'S Best !!!! INCALL & OUTCALL !!! - 21
(Oklahoma City, Location: Oklahoma City, OKC & SURROUN)
Corey Edwards, Fabulous 50’s Chasing the Thrill Visiting AGAIN thru Dec 16!!! - 55
(OKC, Oklahoma City)
💖DouBLE DDS💚 BustY💜 BLonde💛BLuE eyEz💖 ReaL PIX oR FrEE 👍Big bOOtY ToPnotcH BLONDE Avail LatE - 25
(35@44th St, Oklahoma City)
iNDePeNDeNT )) . (( bRuNeTtE )) . (( CoLLeGe )) . (( GiRL )) . (( aVaiLaBLe )) . (( RiGHT NoW )) - - 20
(Oklahoma City)
*Hispanic*Friendly* Fun*Simply The Best*Si Habla Espanol - 21
(Oklahoma City, OKC My place or yours)
I want to be your girl tonight
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
►►ExTra ThiCK** DaRk SweeT & SaSSy! •°o ~~SneaK AwaY 4 AwhiLe.. I haVe SomeThinG 4 U!! ~SpeCiaLs! - 35
(Oklahoma City, I-40 Meridian in/outcalls SpeCiaLS!!)
👌B L O N D E 💝Unforgettable💘 Irresistable💗 B A R B I E-Doll 💋 - - 22
(Oklahoma City, OKC and. Surrounding. Area)
a beautiful love goddess & nubian queen... OutCall Specials - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc, norman, stillwater)
Sat 11 Jan
> > > > > tHe sWeEtEsT __ SeXxXiEsT bLoNdE iN tHe MiDwEsT!! ___ hErE A fEw DaYs OnLy caLL aLLi nOw!! - 20
70 SPECIALS NEW to town OUTCALL and incall.. EROTICA - 21
(Oklahoma City, sw okc incalls and outcalls all over)
•°• My SpEcIaLtY Is To PlEaSe... Lets Have Some Fun Baby!!! •°• - 29
(Oklahoma City, NE OKC & ALL Surrounding Areas)
🆕 Kℹller 🅱🅾dy 😻👑, & 💲kℹll💲 Th🅰t Wℹll Le🅰ve Y🅾u W🅰ntℹng Ⓜ🅾re! 👅💦 ©🅰ll Ⓜe! - 22
(Oklahoma City, Okc/Surrounding Area)
-•*¨¨*•★ Ladys GOT Nothing ON ME :-•$NEW SPECIALS$*¨¨*• - 18
(Oklahoma City, Your PLACE- OKC- or MINE)
╯ 【LeT's MAkE╰ღ╮🚺 Ur ▬✿★✿▬ 【DREaMs】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯💟 【BEcOmE】▬❎OUR❎▬【 REALITY】Outcall Only - 28
(Oklahoma City, where ever you need me)
°•○☆Kandis**〓〓 VeRY FuN 〓〓 UnFoRGeTAbLE 〓〓 iN eVeRy WaY 〓〓 ReAdy tO PlaY♥♡InCalL Specials ☆○•° - 24
(Oklahoma City, south i240)
♥💕♥Gauranteed a good time♥💕❤ *♡*100% Real ~Independent~ Legit (816)984-9692 *♡**♡* - 27
(Oklahoma City, Where You Want Me)
°©° [ ★ ] *HotTe$t A$iaN I$LaND ßøMߧHëll* [ ★ ] °©° ------ - 21
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city and surrounding areas)
~~~ Just Say No to Chickenheads ~~ Well Reviewed!!! (just got ANOTHER review) ~~ Incall $pecial$ ~~~ - 32
(Oklahoma City, I-40 and Meridian)
♥☆↑ Available↑★ ♡♥ Freaky ☆★ ↑Exotic ↑☆♡♥ Sexy Body - 23
(**OutCalls Only Awesome Specials**, Oklahoma City)