Mon 27 Jan
FirSt Day Of Da ResT of Ur LiFe 👠 If U DnT KnoW💕Come FiNd OuT � SpeCiaLs🍹🍹💯REAL Pic - 23
(Oklahoma City, S. Okc)
1 Night ONLY °°*☆ New! Specials! 100 in/out ---> Call Honey! °°*☆1 Night ONLY - 21
(OKC & Surrounding)
💫T✪TAL ❌👊👊 KN✪CK✪UT ❌💫 BETTER than Her⬇ & Her⬆★SEXY exotic ★ [BOMBSHELL] ◆ Upscale & Discreet⭐ - 24
(Oklahoma City)
NEW GIRL in Town with Killer Curves and a Soothing Touch... - 19
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, 10 minutes away)
OkC #1 BeSt KePt SeCrEt !!! ** In-CaLL SpecialS ** ??? 405-435-6308 - 28
(Oklahoma City, ( IN & Out Calls) Opts..Only Please!!!)
ღ NEW & ExCiTiNG ღ | | ღ OPEN-MiNDED & 1,000% R E A L ღ | | Lets PLAY :) ღ - - 19
(Oklahoma City, oUTCALL)
♥•♥•♥ N*a*U*g*H*t*Y FuN! >--♥--> ::((SwEeT & PeTiTe )):: CoMe PlAy! ♥•♥•♥ - 21
(Oklahoma City, YOUR PLACE OR OURS!!!!)
🔥🔥🔥Lunch Special with 😘🍌KAYLEE B 🌈🌈34DDD 💙💙💙every Mans ☁️☁️Dream Come True☁️☁️ - 24
(all over U, Oklahoma City)
LAST DAY!!! -:¦:- I Put the "X" in Ex! X! x!PLODE!!! * -:¦:- * Catch ME before I'm GONE -:¦:- - 24
(My Place)
💥💥 AVaiLaBLe NoW 💥💥 InCaLL 80qv- hhr ✨OutCaLL AVaiLaBLe 100$ n Up✨ - 27
(Oklahoma City, SE 29TH AND I -35 service rd)
AVAILABLE NOW!!! Not getting that 🎉WOW🎊 feeling after seeing ⬆her⬆ or ⬇her⬇... - 25
(Oklahoma City, Okc)
((Blonde Cutie With a BOOTY Ready For YOU!)) Call ME tonight!!! Must See!!! - 19
(Oklahoma City, OKC & surrounding areas)
**-* ௵ B R E A T H T A K I N G _ ௵ _ H O T T I E_ ௵ *-** - 21
(Oklahoma City, Your place or mine!!!)
After work specials100% me or yu play for free💙💙sexxii💖💖💋 seductive👍👍 erotic ebony 💙 - 22
(Oklahoma City, south side okc)
45$ $for half hr specials New video 5805109013 I'm WORTH IT! - 21
(Oklahoma City, s. meridian and i-40)
$80 Incall specialls Allllll Night with Destiny - 32
(Oklahoma City, incalls OKC /Yukon /Moore /Norman)
50$ ✨🎉 No time limit ✨🎉Lady Stallion is ready to play(ask about two pop Special)254 -449-5021 - 29
(Northwest expressway, Oklahoma City)
4055410478 safety girl 80hh open from 5 am to? daily in god we trust allothers pay cash. my home dl - 40
(Oklahoma City, nw 30th & MacArthur 100% real nothi fake)
$100 INCALL SPECIALS 💎♥💎♥💎 Your Sweetest Little Thing --- Sweet & Petite 💎♥💎♥💎 ☏ςαℓℓ ท๑พ - 21
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City -- In call and Out call)
100hh Splash Splash Out call only ⎝⏠ ⏝ ⏠⎠ °ó♥ £XOT¡C •♥___ TR£aSUR£ - 20
(OKC out calls only, Oklahoma City)
💜❤️💗💛💗❤️💜💙❤️💗💛💗❤️💙 SeXy GirL 💚❤️💗❤️💚JAPAN INCALL 💜❤️💗❤️💜100% REAL PIC 💛💙❤️💗💛💗❤️💙💚❤️💗💛💗❤️💚 - 25
(Oklahoma City, 💜❤️💗I-40💛💗❤️I-35💜💙❤️Bricktown INCALL💜❤️💗)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
♡♥♡Had enuf of all the tricks come get this treat ♡♥♡!!!!!! (405) 859-7218 - 30
(Oklahoma City, NW expressway and meridian)
Always available 💎TAYLOR MADE💎SpeCial delight moRning, noon, or NiGht - 26
💋⭐🎀▪▪ It's Very Cold, Let's Warm Up Together! Sweet Babydoll!!▪▪🎀⭐💋 - 29
(Oklahoma City, OKC & Surrounding Areas. Will Travel!)
Sat 11 Jan
> > > > > tHe sWeEtEsT __ SeXxXiEsT bLoNdE iN tHe MiDwEsT!! ___ hErE A fEw DaYs OnLy caLL aLLi nOw!! - 20
*** Upscale *** Discreet *** The Best ***Kennedy StJames is ready to PLAY!!! - 25
(Oklahoma City, Metro OKC)
I WaNnA FiLl SuM TyPe Of WaY:: !!....$$ KaDeEn 405-534-2297 - 23
(Oklahoma City, OKC Metro (( IN & OUT CALLS )) 534-2297)
👽👽are you 👅👅👅Being 🙊🙊BAD 🔥🔥TODAY let's Sneak👀 AWAY 👠YOUR 🚕CAll💣💣 - 24
(Oklahoma City, travel your place or mine)
Fri 10 Jan