Fri 03 Jan
I'm ThE NaUtY GiRl NeXt DoOr ThAt WaNtS To GeT NaUtY W/ YoU.... 405-778-9287 - 29
(Oklahoma City, Okc&SurroundingCitys...405-778-9287;)
✯ΕβΟ₦Υ ₲ο₫₫₤$$★☏Ανα¡LαβLε Νοω 24/7☎Call Ashleiqh☎Will Travel✈✈ - 19
(OK & Surroundinq Areas✈✈Will Travel, Oklahoma City)
Last Day Here* Blonde & Busty♡ ★Amazing Body★Great Specials!!! - 24
(Oklahoma City, Near Airport***)
H0TTiE ALERT █ ▆ ▅ ▃ MOUTH 🌟 WATERiNG 💖 BusTy BLonde🌟Brand New !!1OOOO% REAL PiX ▃ ▄ ▆ - 20
(Oklahoma City, Your Place or Mine!!)
XOXOXO Aloha! wild voluptous DDD are waiting ..xoxoxox - 32 - 32
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city - bricktown)
When's The £ast +ime you've had $omething ¥oung ,Tight, Juicy, Ready, & ₩illing +o $ati$f¥ ¥ou.! - 20
(Oklahoma City, Midwest city -Del city)
Smoking Hot, Seductive, Sexy and Sweet -- Feel the Heat with Me! - 19
(Lawton, Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
{{{ READY NOW!!!}}} **YOUR WAY ONLY!!!! ((( FIVE ***** STAR SERVICE))) -$70 INCALL - 22
(In/Out calls)
New in Town::::The Complete Package Ready to Mingle>>>>>One of a Kind Sweetheart))))) - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
EvErY MaNs DrEaM....& EvErY B#$%& NiGhT mArE....** WiLl TrAvEl OuTtEr OkC** 405 -589-1594 - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC METRO IN & OUT CALLS ! 405-589-1594)
FANTASY GIRL. 405-693-9430 Marsha Marsha Marsha it's always Marsha - 41
(Oklahoma City, 405-693-9430 i40 airport area)
Platinum Desires is looking for those special ladies who want to work & earn Large Money! - 99
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, U.S.A.)
Extra CuRvY EboNy BomBsHeLL* ••★Just The Way U Like It Papi!! •IN/0UTcall SpeciaL!! ◄•• *♫* - 35
(Oklahoma City, 63rd broadway incall/ outcalls avail)
E ~¦~ On DeMaNd FuN ~¦~ *1000% ReaL Pics* ~¦~ You'LL NeveR FoRgeT about this - 21
(Oklahoma City, Incall/Will Travel)
Thu 02 Jan
❤❤❤ w€+ & W!Ld WEDNESDAY❤❤❤ Available all night!! Your place or mine...? - 24
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City/ Surrounding areas)
Sweet southern peach asked me about late night early bird specials - 32
(Oklahoma City, okc 4797464736 daily specials)
$tArT🎉 2015 oFf RiGhT🍒💰💸👠💄$pEcIaL$ aLl nIgHt🌠🌞iNcAlL AND oUtCaLl $pEcIaL$ tRuCkEr fRiEnDly🚛 - 23
(Oklahoma City, nw expressway/belle isle)
Hey Guys! I can keep you warm,Nice Private Home, In TULSA. Call Me! LetsTalk! - 46
(Oklahoma City, Sheridan and 21st area, TULSA, OK)
Hello Guys! BUSTY & Naughty IVY here to entertain you.100 Outcall Only - 29
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City metro)
♥}} Okc FAVORITE {{ • °o♥o° • №➊ ReQuEsTd • °o♥o° • ASiAN • °o♥o° • FaNtAsY• °o♥o° • * - - 22
(Oklahoma City)
5 StAr TrEaTmEnT °•^•° LaSt DaY °•^•° LaSt StOp°•^•° GrEaT SpEcIaLs °•^•° $60 InkaLl - 24
(Oklahoma City, S. Okc)
🌟💗🌟• *•🌟 •●❣ ●💢YOUR * •●❣●💢DREAM * •●❣●💢CoMe True•.🌟.•: * • 🌟💗🌟●❣● - - 21
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city/surrounding areas)
👑 VICTORIA SPRINGS 💦 Your Dream Come True 💦 A 100% Real Goddess 💋 INCALL SPECIALS 24/7 ☎ - 20
(Oklahoma City)
Sexy ~ Asain~ Persausain ~..... Waiting* For* You....... ** ....... Specails* All* Night ....... - 23
(Oklahoma City)