Mon 06 Jan
♡★Available¡! §€×¥ ¡!《Get freaky this ₩ eekend ¡💰100💲TODAY ONLY 》come sEE me 《☆◆《 - 28
(Oklahoma City, whereyouneedme2be)
*** Sweet *** Treat *** True **** Caucasian *** With *** A *** bubble *** booty *** - 25
(Oklahoma City, 35 okc and surrounding)
☔💧 Specials 150H💧☔ S.M.∅.K.i.N.G. ❤ H∅† ❤Check me Out . ❤BABE ❤ Sεxy - 21
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, OK)
SPECIAL SERVICE ★★ ◚◙◛◙◚ ★ NURU MA ★ ◚◙◛◙◚ ★ New Girl ★ ◚◙◛◙◚ ★ SEXY FUN★◚◙◛◙◚ ★☎️ 6318053867 - 23
(Oklahoma City)
StOp ¤ S£ARCHING * Im The Beautiful = Sexy » PU£RTO RICAN ~U~ SeArChInG* 4{ FeTiShEs} $100% SpEcIaLs - 24
(Oklahoma City, Okc, ok Surrounding Areas in/outcalls)
Something Exotic, Fun and Sweet !!! Saturday Specials !!! Call and We Can Meet !!!! - 25
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
👍👍Sugar and Spice w/Everything NICE💣💣 Out Call Only - 25
(Oklahoma City, Out Call Only. Okc mwc spencer)
•:*♥ SPeCiaL TODaY ♥ WaRnING °o★° EXtREmELy °•★° AdDIctIVE ★ LImITeD TImE ♥•:* - 22
(Oklahoma City, OKC & Edmond)
ღ╮✳️ 【READY NoW 】 ✳️╭ღ╯ 【LeT's】✿★✿▬📳【MAkE╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯🚺 【YoUR】▬✿✿▬ 【Fantasy】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯💟 【BEcOmE】▬❎❎❎▬【TrUe - 22
(Oklahoma City, meridian)
-:¦: S -:¦:- U -:¦:- P -:¦:- E -:¦:- R -:¦:- S -:¦:- E -:¦:- X -:¦:- Y -:¦:- - 18
(Outcall Specials!!!!!)
o♥o W_A_R_N_I_N_G o♥o E_X_T_R_ E_M_E_L_Y o♥o A_D_D_I_ C_T_I_V_E o♥o - 23
(Oklahoma City, My place or yours baby...)
$pecials!!! • Bu$ty •-:¦:-• Bubble BoTtom Beauty •-:¦:-• NEW •-:¦:-• UnRu$hed •-:¦:-• $pecials!! - 29
(Oklahoma City, OKC & surrounding area In&Out;)
[[!]]DeLiCiOuS && TaNtAlIzInG MuLlEtO BaRbIe[[!]] MoUtH WaTeRiNg SpEcIaLs AlL NiTe LoNg[[!]] - 19
(Oklahoma City, State Wide Outcalls)
✨💕 c'mon boyz, let's Play Now💕✨Im @v@ilaBLe NoW❗☑100$ weekend incall $p€cIAl§▫♦▫ - 28
(Oklahoma City, okc metro)
- :¦:- : C L A S S Y ° :¦: ° H ° O ° T ° -:¦:- C H O C O L A T E ¦:- -
(All Over Oklahoma City)
CRAIGSLIST Closes Adult Services - 21,083 Escorts on
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
⚠⚠⚠C A U T I O N⚠⚠💋💋🔥🔥HotT 🔥🔥BlOnDe BaRbIe💋💋🍭💎💎 SuPeR SwEeT 🍭💋💋🔥BlaZing BoDy🔥🔥 - 25
(Oklahoma City, OUTCALL ONLY)
💎 BusTy 💎° 💎BLoNdE 💎°💎 BoMbSheLL 💖Amazing 🌟🌟🌟 Specials! ! 💖 - 23
(Oklahoma City, okc and surrounding)
$40🔥🔥🔥 Sexy BBW thick curvy Chocolate🍫🍫 come taste all this goodness👅👅❤❤ - 21
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city in call only)
$80 special Native goddess okc area will travel 4053132332 $pecial - 39
(Oklahoma City, OKLAHOMA CITY!!!!!!!)
100$INN CALL SPECIALS100$♡♡♡ All day and night♡ Mrz.Meme - 22
(Oklahoma City, N.W Expwy and Classen)
Xx Hump Day with Miss Macy Special♡MACY♡ 405-887-3648 Xx - 27
(okc and surrounding areas, Oklahoma City)
HoNkErS * * HoOtErS * * BoOoOoOBs * * HoNkErS * * HoOtErS * * BoOoOoOBs ** (DANA)!!!!!! - 26
(okc ok)
[] ExOtIc * [] * UpScAlE * [] * ReAdHeAd * [] * GrEeNEyEd PlAyMaTe! *[] * OpeNmInDeD & 100% Real*! - 20
(Oklahoma City, Your place or Mines)
%ExOtiC * ~ 100%R£AL ~ Pu£rTo RiCaN ~ UNFORGETTABLE ~PlAyMaTe InCaLL SpEcIaLs DoN't MiSs!!! - 29
♥• [ F L A W L E S S ] •♥• [♥ blonde let me make ur fantasy come true .its real for Ur - 21
(Oklahoma City, In Oklahoma City waiting on you!)
$EXY 1 hot momma! real reviewed and real verified ask me. are they? beware of fakes ads and pics. - 42
(Oklahoma City, 4052275974 quial springs area)
Don't Be F00Led by Fake pictures! I can prove mine R real! - 30
(Oklahoma City, MacArthur & 40 in call only 150)
- [Exotic] __ ❤ __ [ COME 2 *PARADISE* BOYS]__ ❤ __ [Hottie] - - 24
(OKC Outcalls/ (Airport Area) Incalls)
Sun 05 Jan
🍭🍦🍒 WHoZ ReaDY 2 Eat🍒🍭 Call Now 4 THaNKsGiVinG SPeCiaL (incall 75hhr hr150) (outcall 150-300) - 25
(Ne 23rd n Douglas Blvd, Oklahoma City)