Fri 10 Jan
* ❤.•* •.❤* SizzzZzlin HoTT _€bony Bbw___ * ❤.•* *•.❤* PLayTiMe FeLLas!! INcall/OutcaLL - 35
(Oklahoma City, Okc 122 & penn incall/outcalls all over)
•°o•° Irresistible ThickNess!! ~~ LusciouS CoCo BBw Treat!! PlayTime FeLLas!! •°• Best thing Yet!! - 35
(Oklahoma City, B£0w 0utcaLL SpeciaL!!)
p̤̈ä̤r̤̈ẗ̤ÿ̤ g̤̈ï̤r̤̈l̤̈❄️☃️⛷ 💋 ℒ e t ' s _ ℳ a k e _ ℳ a g i c 🚺 🎁💙SEXIEST💙 🍯Companion💠 ⓒⓛⓘⓒ - 25
(mornin in or out Ready now, Oklahoma City)
NEW █ ▒▒▒❤▒▒▒ ██ Sexy Model from Asian █ ▒▒▒❤▒▒▒ ██ Incall 347 399 0340 HOT █ ▒▒▒❤▒▒▒ ██ - 24
(Oklahoma City)
MONDAY VIP Special •°o♥o Sexiest BBW In Okc•°o♥o°• VoLuPtUoUs CUTIE - 26 - 26
(Oklahoma City, Meridian/ OKC VISITING ONLY!!!)
°U° __ °N° __ °B° __ °E° __ °L° __°I° __ °V° __ °E° __ °B°__ °L°__ °E° - 21
(Oklahoma City)
*I'm Waiting For you *I~*~AM * ** So *Sexy and So HOT - 20
Incall Special R€Al 🐉💨L@Dy 🐲Luv🐉YeS 💨I'vE 🐲GOt 🐉🐲Th@t 💨🐉💥💥 FIRE 💥💥🐲💨4058355717💥 - 35
(Oklahoma City, Outcalls OKC)
🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 GRAND OPEN 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 OK SPA 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 405 . 677 . 7500 - 24
(1317 SE 44th St Oklahoma City, OK, 73129, Oklahoma City)
т♡ρ ♡ƒ тhє ℓιηє💕🐰❄️ EXTREMELY ѕωєєт🍭 Treat👸❄️💕💕 Absolutely GORGEOUS 💕🔥READY to PLAY🔥 - 22
(all okc, Oklahoma City)
hey guys im new and new to the place.. show me a good time.. and make my trip fun to come back too. - 23
(Oklahoma City, please call me)
•*★*• Kinky° Curvy° Fetish° Fantasy° JeWeL°TODAY OnLy ¤ $100° SPECIALS° •*★*• - 39
(Oklahoma City, Norman)
☆♡I WiLl Be YoUr DirTy LiTtLe SeCrEt!! If You Ask Me!!♡☆ - 30
(Oklahoma City, OKC and surrounding areas)
$75hh incall ⚡THUNDER⚡ struck the 🌎EARTH🌏 a 🎭GODESS🌠 🌙🌞appeared⭐ OUTCALL SPECIALS ALL NIGHT 💋 - 22
(Oklahoma City, MERIDIAN)
~ J u S t. V I S I T I N G ~ ♥♡ Sexy Petite CALIFORNIA College Cutie [OUTCALL SPECIALS] ♡♥ - 21
(Oklahoma City)
Thu 09 Jan
Two Nights ONLY ~~SuPeR THiCK~~The PLEASURE Princess KHLOE~~58 inch DoNt MiSS OuT - 22
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
SeXy 45 ExPeRiEnCeD405 482 9408 Cougar c pic recent and real - 45
(Oklahoma City, s w walker and 44 st)
SeXy** SmArT** BuStYy **BLONDE come try my amazing TuEsDaYy SpEcIaLs$ - 21
(Oklahoma City, southeast Oklahoma city)
VOLUPTUOUS LADY! serious Gentlemen ONLY :) beautiful BBW with DDD's - 27
(Oklahoma City, okc & beyond)
last chance last day in okc sexy blond bbw incall only starting at 50 - 26
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city INCALL ONLY)
I'll keep u warm Sweet treat baby! 👙 drEaM GirL CoMe True!! 🔝tOp NoTcH BOMBSHEL 💟 - 25
(Oklahoma City)
Hello OK City/ 100% Genuine Classic beauty 💄with a breathtaking smile💋 - 42
(Oklahoma City, Courtyard off Hwy 35)
Enjoy a Voluptous Play Thing? BBW Jewel Is Here **FETISH FRIENDLY** - 39
(Oklahoma City, Incall Only, Norman)
★EvErY MaN's DrEAM ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY★~~ ~~ ~~~~>>> - 22
(Oklahoma City, SOUTH~OKC~&~MOORE~OUT~CALL'S~ONLY~~>>>)
ULTIMATE BuSTy BBW playmate :) come see what everyone comes back for! 6'1 unique AMAZON BeAuTy - 29
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city and BeYoND)
»—— THICK FLORIDA Girl ——» Biggest B00Ty in the CiTY »— —*— » I NEVER Say NO!!! »—*—» FRE@kY »—*—» - 24
(Oklahoma City, Outcalls)
VISITING - *No DISAPPOINTMENTS ... *jUsT 1OO% pUre PLeaSuRe ((REDhAiReD)) fUn!!! * - 24
(Oklahoma City)
~ BBW HoTTiE!! ~★° ° GoRGeouS ° 48GGG; REaL ! °NEW # 702 573 4799 - 23
(oklahoma city incall/outcall)
███████ ★ →→→ B_L_O_N_D_E ←←← ★ →→→ B_O_M_B_S_H_S_H_E_L_L ←←← ★ ███████ - 21
(Oklahoma City, Your place or my place.)
★___ BoYS PLaY __★___ WiTH ToYS __★___ MeN PLaY __WiTH BLONDS __★___ - - 18
(Oklahoma City, in or out calls)
• ATTENTION OKC░ Outcalls 24/7💋░ AVAiLAbLE NoW! 💋 - Rema (845)274-3901√(( I'm IRRESISTIBLE ))√ - 24
(all around okc, Oklahoma City)
* > * > * > * > * > U Need * A* BeaUTiful* WOMAN* To* Spend * Time With! * < * < * < * < * < * < * - 23
(Oklahoma City, OKC And Surrounding)
BBW beautiful baby blue eyed blonde 48H breast Thick is in!!! - 30
(Oklahoma City, OKC LAWTON TULSA)
Young .....PlaTinum ...... BlonDe * Perky B@@bs "Natural" - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City SW Incalls Outcalls)
Wed 08 Jan
Specials [x💋x]🌟👑 UP$CALE ⬆👑🌟➡24/7((🌠5T🌠R S€RIV€🌠)) ♏💙.HeRe 2 Tθp Yθμr Mind - 21
(OKC, Oklahoma City)
60hh!!WARNING EXTREMELY JUI*CY be prepared to get wet (sexy ass BBW!) naughty and ready! Must See!!!
(okc/in call and out call)
AvAÏしAʙしe ALLdaY👉NEW HERE👈I ժօ íԵ ALL! 🍌Dօաղ ƒօɾ WHATEVER👅💦 Bŗųŋɛɬɬɛ BBW🔥 GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ - 24
(Oklahoma City, South Okc)
///SeXy , SeDucTivE , and ReADy to PleASe!!!! BruNeTTe BomBSheLL JuSt for YoU/// - 35
(Tulsa, Tulsa & Surrounding areas in/out calls)
SeXy 45 yr old cougar! E xPeRiEnCeD AvAiLAbLe now. 405 779-9871. treat. yourself! 24/7 incall or ou - 45
(Oklahoma City, sev44. and sheilds)
SEXY GLAMAZON ViXeN! in okc for a little while... catch me while u can!! - 28
(Oklahoma City, I-40 & meridian)
OUTcALL ☎InCaLL💦 OuTCaLL💦InCaLL ☎ SeXy Caramel BBW 💋💋 OUTCALL 100$-400( depending location ) - 27
(Oklahoma City, Outcall/incall 100$- 400 depnd location)