Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
💯%REAL✔ 【Hot !】 ✓ 【GIRL】 ✓ 【Complete💘 Sweetie】 ✓ 【Sexy & Hot】 ✓ 【available NOW】💘💘 - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Ok)
Morning BOYS Start Saturday With M€ & My S€XY NEW Panties! (405) 763- 7117 Mona - 25
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
LeT mE mAkE yOuR fAnTiSy A rEaLiTy SpEcIaLs oR EmAil mE - 18
👑❤Sweetest mouth in the SoUth💋 💰 real Deal 👍Hot and fun❤💋ready 24/7Exotic.👑🎀 - 24
(Oklahoma City, okc🚕surrounding areas🚗)
Playful & Passionate stunning Italian Brunette!! Up all day and all night!! - 22
(Oklahoma City, central okc)
🎆🎠Myra Monroe🎠MWC (405) 243 2220 or will travel 🎆🎠 - 29
((405)243*2220 (call or text)(in or out), Oklahoma City)
*¨¨* Amazing *¨¨* *¨¨* Sweet *¨¨* *¨¨* BaRBie Working ALL DAY And NIIGHT!!!! - 19
Sun 05 Jan
✈️✈️✈️💺Visiting for a Short Time!! 💺✈️✈️✈️💺 Fun Kinky Freaky 💺✈️✈️✈️💺 Available NOW! ✈️✈️ - 26
(N okc, Oklahoma City)
Saturday Specials 🙌%100 REAL 💋💦 Mouthwatering BL💍NDE Playmate 🐰 👍 Satisfaction Guaranteed 👍👍 - 23
(Oklahoma City, okc INCALL ONLY!)
:) *============ :) ========= >~ Get Ready 4 Me Baby~ ?! < :) ===========* :) =========* - 22
($💯 Dollar Special $💯) 🍰 🍓TASTY🍧🏆Beautiful 🏆💄💯💄💣LaTiNa 💣💃👋sMaCKaBle Juicy BOoty 👋 - 21
(Oklahoma City, i40 meridian)
!m sh0rt @nd s3xy 0n3 0f k!nd m!n! B@rb!3 d0ll s0 c0m3 t@k3 @ p33k @t m3 - 20
(Oklahoma City, okc and surrounding areas)
Unforgettable Personality & Body
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
☆-N A U G H T Y☆ [NeVeR FeLt So] ☆N I C E☆ Outcall Spcls - 22
(Oklahoma City, Norman Outcalls Only)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ $60 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Best▬▬ Choice▬▬ Spa ▬▬ Sexy Asian Playmates ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬$60 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 20
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city//Moore★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★)
♥ ★ ! Exotic Beauty Is Back On Duty ! ★ ♥ - 21
(Oklahoma City, N. & S. OKC and all Surrounding Cities)
Sat 04 Jan
**NEW PICS** OKC's MosT ExoTiC SeXy SeduCTiVE PLaYMaTe~ SO IrriSiSTabLe & HIGHLY AddicTive..!! - 25
(Oklahoma City, I-40 & Meridian : Okc)
°M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° 。 ◕ ‿ ◕ 。 ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S° - 21
super sexy,fun and very open minded brunette that will keep u coming back for more !!!!!! - 25
(Oklahoma City, okc)
💋💋💗~~*! Come enjoy a " Divine" experience.... 100 Donation Incall/Outcall special !*~~ 💗 - 22
(Del city incall/outcall specials, Oklahoma City)
🐣🐛🐤Do u Demand the Best??🏆🏆34DDD💄💄 ️🎀🎀Ready Now 🍒🍒🍒You won't Be Let Down 🍒🍒🍒 - 24
(blanchard Yukon mustangs all over u 🚕🚗, Oklahoma City)
Fri 03 Jan
***** ThErEs OnLy OnE * BaBy * * GuRl ***** ~DoNt MiSs OuT~ ***** ($$InCaLls OnLy$$) - 26
(Oklahoma City, I40 n Meridian(incalls only))
★- SMOKING Latina full figured THiCK H0TTIE -★Huge BooBs ViSITING FR0M Vegas! - 23
(oklahoma city incall/outcall)
░*❤ ❤*♥•░ SeXy N SweeT❤ TiGhT N MoIsT ❤ GeNTleMens #1 ChoIce ░ *❤4058221772 - 24
(Okc, Oklahoma City)
❤☀ Puerto Rican♡outcall Specials❤☁❤outcall ♡☁♡ incall ❤☁❤ the ♡☁♡ RIGHT ❤☁❤ places!! ♡☁♡ - - 24
(Oklahoma City, 💞💞kisses and hugs)
(( ★'PRFCT PL@¥M@T ¯` ° ★' DONT MI§§ OUT ¯` ° ★' ((ULTiMÅT iNDULGNC )) - 20
(Oklahoma City, okc and surr)
High Class!!♡♥ REVIEWED and VERIFIED ! American Pie ߍࠂBlonde Bombshell - 20
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city/surrounding areas)
_______ 1oo% G u A ® A N T D _______________ 1oo% ReaL ______________ 1oo%Worth Every MiNuTe - 22
(OKC and surrounding areas)
Let Bunny Rock Your World. Ask About My $50 Specials is back - 34
(Oklahoma City, OKLAHOMA CITY oklahoma)