Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
🍯🍓Tonight's Best kept Secret 💕Lets Play💕 cutest lil thing!! 💎💎34DDD 🚘🚗Travel Special - 24
(all over U travel in or out, Oklahoma City)
(OKC Upscale Location)
>(¯`'.¸ SuGaR & SpiCe [ EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY Me OnCe} You'LL CoMe BaCk] TwiCe ¸.'´¯) - 21
(Oklahoma City, incall/ out)
Blonde :-.° Beautiful °.-:¦:-.° Sexy °.-:¦:-.° Classy !! Ginger" The New Girl In Town" - 20
(Oklahoma City, INCALL & OUT CALL)
Sat 11 Jan
♥ SuPr Sx¥ -:¦:-* xQU!SiT BrUntt *-:¦:-* PrFcT!oN ♥ - 24
(Oklahoma City, (SE bY CrOssRoaDs MaLL) InCaLL & OuTCaLL)
((★ SiMPLy AMAZiNG! ★ )) __*1OO% Me oR iTs FrEE!*__ (( ★ SexY BrUnEttE! ★)) - 24
(Oklahoma City, {SE OkC} InCaLL & OuTCaLL)
♥• SEXY •★• LITTLe •★• BlONdE•♥• •★• ★• classy •★•BLONDE BUNNY - - 24
(Okc and surrounding area. incall and out, Oklahoma City)
~Lets party, thursday hot spot $70 ( ask about my outcall specials ) - 21
(Oklahoma City, Okc , incall and out)
**Incall $pecials!!! Miss Candy is back with 36dd's & a nice phat b0oty!! Incalls and out!! - 35
(Oklahoma City, Your place & Nw Okc Sorrounding Area!!)
~XXX~ Naughty Sexxxy Latina! ~XXX~ Great Reviews! Specials! Don't miss out-Today last day! - 23
Just Arrived🎀VEGAS Girls Do It Better 💄LIMITED ✨✨Elite Companion✨✨ - 24
(Oklahoma City, incall or out all over u)
~Lets party, T.G.i.F hot spot specials $70 ( ask about my outcall specials ) - 21
(Oklahoma City, Okc , incall and out)
*Incall $pecials!!! Miss Candy is back with 38dd's & a nice phat b0oty!! Incalls and out!!* - - 35
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City & Surrounding Areas)
╯ 【LeT's MAkE╰ღ╮🚺 Ur ▬✿★✿▬ 【DREaMs】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯💟 【BEcOmE】▬❎OUR❎▬【 REALITY】Outcall Only - 28
(Oklahoma City, where ever you need me)
~Lets party, thursday hot spot $70 ( ask about my outcall specials ) - 21
(Oklahoma City, Okc , incall and out)
THE ☆Right ☆CHOICE █☆ G U A ® A N T € € D ☆█ [ BEAUTIFUL ]. [ Busty ] [ CALI GIRL ] - 23
(Oklahoma City, NW OkC incall/ out in surrounding areas)
*****Incall and Out specials ****$65 specials...Call Now !!!! - 21
(Oklahoma City, my own lil world)
☆••☆AsiAn Goddess☆•• ❤✔️Pretty & Flawless❤••☆NEVER Rushed✔️ ❤Naughty && NICE ❤••☆•• ❤• - 25
(Oklahoma City, okc & surrounding areas)
Fri 10 Jan
* In/OuT cAlL sPeCiAlS * incall 24/7, outcall til 7pm make appointments now... * - 19
(Oklahoma City, IN/OUTCALL specials)
º○•●Miss.Nichole●•○º ★Incall/Out★ Excellent Service♣€xtreme Satisfaction Awaits - 26
(Oklahoma City, south okc incall)
Incall $pecials! ♛♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT☆ CaraMel TREAT$☆ ] ♛♛[☆] DeLiCiOus [☆] Mixed EboNy B0mb$hell [☆]♛♛ - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc incalls, El Reno, Yukon, surr. areas)
*Incall $pecials!!! Miss Candy is back with 38dd's & a nice phat b0oty!! Incalls and out!!* - 35
(Oklahoma City, Your place & Nw Okc Sorrounding Area!!)
~~~ GoRgEoUs *N* InDePeNdEnT ~~ SexY KeLLy *** Incall SPEciAls*NEW* - 22
(INCALL *(I-40 & Meridian) OR OUT)
Hot Experienced Cougar. 45 let me b ur. playmate. incall. outcall. 24/7. 405. 779-9971 - 45
(Oklahoma City, nw. 63 and. meridian)
I* *M B A C K F* U* L* L* Hr. Body Rub $80 Incall Special - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City NW Expressway)
C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R - - 20
(Oklahoma City, Okc surrounding areas)
**** BiKiNi WeAThER!!!!!! ;) *** SuMmEr FUN ** VISITING * InDePenDEnt - 23
(Incall ( Upscale discrete) maybe out;)
👑👑👑👠👠👑👑👑BEAUTY QUEEN SPA👑👑👑🙆🙆👑👑👑💋 SUPER HOT💋 👑 Asian Angels 👑👑👑🌺🌺👑👑👑 SEXY fantastic FUN 👑👑👑 - 23
(Edmond 🍧incall only🍧, Oklahoma City)
Thu 09 Jan
💋Rose Lynn In Town💕💕K!ller Mouth- tight GRIP , 100% Real Pics-Highly VERIFIED- available 24/7 - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City!)
Real Chocolate★★♥ ♡♡OUTCALL northwest side AREAS Amber (4056357157 - 25
Angel Is Truly Amazing... Low DONATIONS (Call 4 Availability 4 OUT& INCall Specials) - 23
(Tulsa, OKC & All Surrounding Cities 24/7)
LAST DAY AVAILABLE!! Smokin hot redhead that you don't want to miss!! First class service!! - 31
Incall $p€¢ials ♡♥♡{{BEAUTIFUL}} ♡♥♡{{EXOTIC}} ♡♥♡ {1OOO% REAL}♡♥♡ {{Bu$ty EBony w/ Big Booty}} ♡♥♡ - 30
(Oklahoma City, okc incall, El Reno, Yukon, Guthrie out)
Hot ExPerirncef cougar let (, me b ur playmate tonigjt call. 405 441-9162 - 45
(Oklahoma City, sw 44 and walker)
FoRgEt BoUt LaSt WeEk ItS ThE F!#:$&:G WeEkEnD!! ...... WiLl TrAvEl ! 405 -589-1594 $$ PhOeInX $$ - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC METRO IN & OUT CALLS ! 405-589-1594)
Hot Experienced Cougar. 45 let me b ur playmate todaycall. 405 441-9162 s e 82 syreet off i 35 south - 45
(Oklahoma City, se 82 at. iv35 south)
**Incall $pecials!!! Miss Candy is back with 36dd's & a nice phat b0oty!! Incalls and out!! - 35
(Oklahoma City, Your place & Nw Okc Sorrounding Area!!)
ATTENTION----- GUYS------ 414-899-8524 -------- F A K E ---- A D ----- FA K E--- P I C - 24
(incalls off I-35/ OKC & 30 miles outcall)
Wanna PlAy W/ A BeaUtiFuL &CLaSsY; WomAn ~*~ CaLL NoW! In & OuT SpEciALs ~NeW PiCs - 25
(Oklahoma City, (outcall okc Shawnee stilly ada seminole)
There's a time and place for everything. $130hh $pecial fri-$un. $o let me be your everything. - 41
(Oklahoma City, meridian and reno area verified provider)
* In/OuT cAlL sPeCiAlS * incall 24/7, outcall til 7pm make appointments now... * - 19
(Oklahoma City, IN/OUTCALL specials)