Thu 09 Jan
Let me spoil your body! call now (405) 431-6598 LONDON $80 in/out - 25
(Oklahoma City, 5405 n lincoln okc, ok. 73105)
InCaLL🌞 OuTCaLL 🌞InCaLL OucaLL LETs PLAY💦💦 SuPeR TiGHT💦💦Super Juicy (Call Now 80$ incallonly - 27
(Ne 23rd n Douglas Blvd Midwest City, Oklahoma City)
✔ BLONDE -:¦:- YOUR NEW -:¦:- # ❶ ADDICTION! __ U WILL __ NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 24
°★° °BLONDE° °★° & AMAZINGLY° °★° ° TALENTED° °★° - 21
(Oklahoma City, in and out calls all over)
💋$$ U wanna come & Go??? Let me know!!!! $$ 💋 - 33
(Oklahoma City, 💋 Oklahoma City & Surrounding Areas 💋)
Wanna PlAy W/ A BeaUtiFuL &CLaSsY; WomAn ~*~ CaLL NoW! In & OuT SpEciALs ~NeW PiCs - 25
(Oklahoma City, (outcall okc Shawnee stilly ada seminole)
XxLets Play·Incall*Outcall{^CaLi BaRbI3^}💎*·Video Special ·*💎SUPREME Skillz 💎❤�💋·Xx - 20
(Oklahoma City, S.Meridian I40 OUTCALL READY /CALLS ONLY)
****The Ever so Beautiful Blue Eyes**** always available 24/7 in call specials - 19
(oklahoma city/ne wer u r)
There's a time and place for everything. $130hh $pecial fri-$un. $o let me be your everything. - 41
(Oklahoma City, meridian and reno area verified provider)
Wanna Get CrAzY With A WILD PlaTinum Blonde BOMBSHELL!?! The Freaker... THE BETTER!! - 28
(Oklahoma City, NORMAN & All Surrounding Areas)
The Perfect *Brunette *Package: ☑ Real ☑ Sexy ☑ Petite ☑ Sweet ! - 20
(Oklahoma City, Okc & all surrounding areas)
take the time off from your daily routine and go ahead and pamper yourself - 22
(Okc, Oklahoma City)
The blue eyed seductress and beautiful audrianna... In/out calls available - 19
(Oklahoma City, Okc-will travel)
Its MaLiAh okc's NeW FaVe =••°★°•• ••& 2 GiRl ((SpEcIaLs )) 5★ UPSCALE • BEAUTY• - 27
(Oklahoma City, okc in and out will travel)
•♥• FANTASY & DESlRE ♥ SWEET & SEXY DOLL ♥ OKC Yukon mustang and surr IN/OUT call SpeCials - 24
(Oklahoma City, Okc Will TRAVEL In or OUT)
BBW beautiful baby blue eyed blonde 48H breast Thick is in!!! - 30
(Oklahoma City, OKC LAWTON TULSA)
Wed 08 Jan
** SPECIALS **(¯`'.¸ ♔¸.'´¯) EXPERIENCE THE BEST (¯`'.¸ ♔¸.'´¯) **SPECIAL!!** - 22
(incall service+meridian i 40)
★★★Sexy Ebony Here To Play Call Now Awsome Specials ★ ★★ - 21
(Oklahoma City, Okc and sure areas in/out specials)
SEXY n fun 24/7 Its my birthday and I need my birthday spankings - 35
(Grand and i35 south okc, Oklahoma City)
SPECIALS **(¯`'.¸ ♔¸.'´¯) EXPERIENCE THe BEST (¯`'.¸ ♔.'´¯) **SPECIAL! - 22
Stop wasting your time with the rest and try the best! si habla espanol. - 23
(Oklahoma City, my place or yours)
____ REady 4 An Experienced BLONDE You CAN only DREAM ABout ...... No RuSH SerVice _____ - 20
(Oklahoma City)
🍦🍰.."iLL...GivE...YoU... SmEtHinG. .GoOd... To...EaT...🍬🍭. - 21
(okc surrounding areas, Oklahoma City)
60hh!!WARNING EXTREMELY JUI*CY be prepared to get wet (sexy ass BBW!) naughty and ready! Must See!!!
(okc/in call and out call)
oUtCaLL spEcIaLs#badd girl** ♡ 【1OO%REAL 【★•°o°•★ BaDdest YOUNG BaRbie around!! ★•°o°•★ oUtCaLlss - 25
(Guthrie, Oklahoma City, Stillwater)
!m sh0rt @nd s3xy 0n3 0f k!nd B@rb!3 d0ll s0 c0m3 t@k3 @ p33k @t m3 w@it3n - 20
(Oklahoma City, okc and surrounding areas)
NEW!!!!!!! BUSTY girl from T-TOWN wants to PLAY come PLAY BRANDY'S way!!!! - 25
(okc and surrounding areas)
New In Town....Treat Yourself To These...Smokin Hot Sexy Busty Babe and Always Ready
(Oklahoma City)
(((Let me spoil your body))) (405) 200-4793 LONDON $80 Incall NOW! - 25
(Oklahoma City, 5405 n lincoln okc, ok. 73105)
()()()** Wow* - $100 special--$100 special**()()() Hottest Blonde in the city. Better than the best! - 25
(Okc/ Will travel)
° {{MaRiAh} iS}} ·.¸¸.·´¯´· So SeXY ·.¸¸.·´¯´· So SWeeT ·.¸¸.·´¯´· {{hOT} ExOTiC TReAT}} ° - 21
(Oklahoma City)
~ * ~ M -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- D -:¦:- B -:¦:- L -:¦:- O -:¦:- W -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- G ~ * ~ - 25
K•¡•N•k•¥ •———• [ X ] R@T€D ©UT¡€ • 100% • G U A ® A N T € € D • P L € A S U ® E - 21
( ! L O O K ! ) ..HoT .. & .. BLONDE! (FrEaK) ..SWEET & YUMMY! *CaLL Me ToNiGHt ! ! - 25
(Right Here 4 You! !)
I am lonely this Sunday Morning, can you keep me company? Call me. 405 361 5746¤•*•¤° - 28
(Oklahoma City, okc)
💖💛💖 HELLO GORGEOUS!!! 🎀💛💖 Late Night/Early Morning 💛🎀💛Top Quality!! 💛💖💛 100% Me or it's Free! 🎀💛🎀💛💛💛 - 24
(Oklahoma City, Nw expressway and surrounding areas)