Thu 02 Jan
★______________ ♥ Sexy38DD Looking 2 rock your would ♥ ________________________ ★ - - 28
(Oklahoma City)
Relaxing Sensual Massage 🌷Available🌷look forward to helping you Relax! Hugs Lisa 405-430-5607 - 50
(N.W. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City)
Gran Opening Studio 59 For Ladies and Gentleman we speak Spanish and English 20 - 26 - 25
(Oklahoma City, South West OKC)
🎀💋CoMpAnIoNsHiP@ITs BeST💋100%✔ReAl 💋GoRgEoUs 👑💎ExOtiC💣BOMBSHELL🎀100 S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S➜➋➍/➆☎ - 21
(Oklahoma City, SouthSide)